A running gag...

Aug 09, 2015 20:27

July 14

RG:(to cat) It's corn! You don't want any!
MrG: Yes, he does! You know why?
RG: Why?
MrG: Because he's an *obligate CORNivore*!

@rahaeli @reginagiraffe tell him to go sit in the corner and think about what he's done

@reginagiraffe I was cutting corn off the cob at the time and my response was, "I have a knife and I'm not afraid to use it!" :D

@reginagiraffe @rahaeli (And I told him your response and he laughed.)

@rahaeli @reginagiraffe It's my standard response to a joke that corny.

@reginagiraffe @rahaeli I have a KNIFE and I'm NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!


@jamethiel_bane Latte has decided that roast mashed potatoes are for cats.

@reginagiraffe @jamethiel_bane Oblitater carnivore?

@jamethiel_bane @reginagiraffe well done, I just snorted water out my nose

@reginagiraffe @jamethiel_bane \o/ :DDD

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