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Oct 10, 2016 11:49

Читаю Аниту Лус, Kiss Hollywood Goodbye, жили же люди!
"Sometimes His Lordship (Lord D'Abernon) offered me any amount of loot I might care to garner; once he wrote from Paris, "I shall be here 'til Wednesday, so let me know if there's any shopping you wish carried out." But, as a true brunette, I never suggested a thing.
Later on, in Munich the two of us found we had a mutual fondness for the paintings of Cranach the Elder. I had discovered that painter in Paris and had even tried to buy a small Cranach engraving I'd found at the bargain price of $4000. But when I dragged Mr. E. (ее муж) to the gallery and begged him for the money, I was given a lecture instead: "A work of art should never be owned by an individual. It is the rightful property of a museum, where the entire public can enjoy it."
... And in Munich, I learned that studying a certain Cranach Venus through the eyes of D'Abernon had sharpened my pleasure in it. "Let me take you on a tour," he said one day. "I'll show you every Cranach painting in existence. We'll begin in Paris and afterward move on to Vienna, Budapest, and Berlin. Then I'll take you back home and you can show me the Cranachs in the Metropolitan Museum."
I asked, "When could we do it?" And, for the first time called him Edgar.
"Whenever you like."
I suggested a time when I knew Mr. E. would be tied to New York with his chores for the Actors' Equity.
"Next spring," I suggested.
"That will be just right."

everyday life, anita loos, quotes, hollywood, books

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