Кино июня

Jul 04, 2016 00:03

Casting By (2012) Tom Donahue - 5
Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi* (2001) Hayao Miyazaki - 9
The Matrix* (1999) Wachowski brothers - 4
Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих (1974) Никита Михалков - 6
La bonne année* (1973) Claude Lelouch - 9
The Nice Guys (2016) Shane Black - 7
Le grand blond avec une chaussure noire*** (1972) Yves Robert - 7
Le silence de la mer (1949) Jean-Pierre Melville - 8
Love & Friendship (2016) Whit Stillman - 10

Game of Thrones (TV, 2011- ) - seasons 1*, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Мне все нравится, не хочу ставить оценки и не знаю, как. Сезонам, сериям?
Напишу ниже про любимое.

Любимые сцены:
1. Stark reunion - Jon and Sansa (AT LAST)
2. Tyrion is named Hand of the Queen by Daenerys
3. Jon the King in the North
4. Oberyn Martell's epic just-a-baby speech about Tyrion
5. Jorah and Daenerys: I love you. Goodbye.
6. Jon beheads Janos Slynt (insanely satisfying)
7. Jon and Davos: - I don't know how to do that. I thought I did, but I failed. - Good. Now go fail again.
8. Tyrion and Jaime conversations.
9. Tyrion epic trial speech
10. Tyrion's farewell with Podrick
11. Jaime and Brienne storyline - the Bear and the Maiden Fair, Bath scene, Oathkeeper sword
12. Jon, Arya and the Needle
13. Jon punching Ramsay
14. Sansa and Jon: - Winter is here. - Well, Father always promised, didn't he?
15. Stark banners return at Winterfell (and titles)
16. Jorah and Tyrion travelling
17. Podrick with girls
18. Jaime trains with Bronn
19. Bronn sings The Dornishman's Wife

И любимые персонажи по порядку:
Tyrion Lannister
Jon Snow (голос!!!)
Arya Stark

Jaime Lannister
Sansa Stark
Davos Seaworth
Jorah Mormont
Oberyn Martell
Brienne of Tarth
Jaqen H'ghar (слишком роскошное имя)

Valar morghulis!

valar morghulis, movies, got, lists, favourite

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