Prose log with Lucretia

May 15, 2009 21:39

Who: Arshtat and Lucretia
What: The long overdue talk between old friends over new problems.
When: Directly after Lucretia's talk with Luc and Arshtat's talk with Geddoe

After Luc had departed, Lucretia exhaled. Things had been so quiet and she actually had the feeling that this is what life may have been like had she not been a Strategist. Alas, she could not change what was, but she [could] make the best of what was to come. She quietly started reading again and sipping her tea. After a moment, Frasier wandered into the cafe, meowed quietly, turned three times in a circle and fell asleep at her feet.

Arshtat exited the inn after her conversation with Geddoe. It had been foolish to think that her problems had ended when the sun rune had been taken from her. She debated going back to her room to think things through but decided instead to continue her walk. It wasn’t long before she found herself near the café and spotted the next person she had wanted to speak to. “Lucretia,” she said softly, on her way to the table.

Lucretia's face immediately brightened upon seeing Her Majesty - it had been a while since the two of them had spoken, and even if Luc hadn't talked to her previously her happiness at seeing Her Majesty would not have been diminished. "Your Majesty! A pleasant surprise, indeed!" Rising from her seat, she nodded politely, holding the nod downward for a little longer than usual.

“There is no need for that here,” Arshtat nodded as well at her old friend. She sat down opposite, calm demeanor. “It has been too long. How have you found yourself?”

"In all honesty, this is about as close to a...'normal' life as I could have imagined. I've been reading, and sitting by the lake - nothing much out of the ordinary. Don't be embarassed by my saying so, but I saw you planting flowers with our Guard Commander a while back - I must say, those flowers have come up beautifully." Lucretia, smiling brightly, sat down.

Arshtat couldn’t help but smile as well at the compliment. “The commander is an interesting girl. After everything that happened, those flowers are to be my penance.” She shook her head with a light laugh. While she was keeping that information from others, she saw no reason to keep it from Lucretia. “And I do know what you mean. My vision of a normal life looked a lot like this.”

"It is good to see you happy and content. I couldn't wish for any more for you. Have you talked to the Prince lately? How has he been adjusting?"

“Some,” Arshtat admitted, smile dropping slightly. “He has been well to my knowledge. Though he obviously has changed since I last saw him.”

“In a way, I like to think that we've all changed - this place, from what I hear, tends to do that to people. He does seem well, from what I’ve been able to see of him.”

“Yes it does, but some things it seems will always remain the same,” Arshtat replied suddenly looking serious again. “As much as I like this normal life, it seems that is not my lot in life.”

"Mmm." Lucretia nodded, picking up her tea and sipping it slowly. "Has something else happened to give you that idea?"

Arshtat nodded, not bothering to hide herself from Lucretia. The other woman was perhaps the one person it was useless to do so in front of; probably why Arshtat trusted her advice. “Have you met the Harmonian Bishop?”

"By which you mean Sasarai? I am afraid not. Should I prepare myself for a call from him?"

“I do not know if he would seek you out, but he did relay some worrisome news.” Arshtat broke off as a waiter came by, and she calmly ordered some tea of her own, not slipping back into her serious demeanor until he was far enough away. “News of recent events has reached Harmonia, and they have taken some interest in them.”

Lucretia raised an eyebrow and set her tea down. "And do you know that Luc, the former bishop of Harmonia has come to me with the same news? But with that news, he has offered his assistance in repelling the Harmonian threat." Lucretia finished her tea and then fished her fan out of the pocket of her robe and began fluttering it slowly.

Arshtat raised her eyebrow at that new piece of the puzzle. “Sasarai offered the same assistance. Do you believe they are working together?”

"Your Majesty, I am not the most trustful of Harmonia, even though I spent a great deal of my life there. I think it would behoove our nation's best interest if we tread very cautiously here. It is one thing for Harmonia to try to take the rune for its own reasons, but I think we should be more clear about Luc's motives first. As always, this is but my opinion and I have complete faith in the wisdom of your judgment whatever it may be." Lucretia fluttered her fan slowly as Frasier looked up for a moment, yawned, and settled back into his nap.

“I agree that we cannot be trustful of Harmonia,” Arshtat agreed. “I have spoken with Captain Geddoe about their history with the true runes. I am skeptical of anyone’s motives when it comes to the Sun Rune.” She paused, in quiet thought before continuing. “I have not spoken with this former Bishop, what exactly did he say?”

"He mentioned that Hikusaak, their High Priest, is interested in the Sun Rune. And he presented to me that if Falena were stripped of its Rune, then we would all end up as Third Class citizens and no better than it would be if Falena were under Godwin rule. I explained to him that even if that were true, Falena is more than just its Rune, and that Falena would continue fighting even if the rune were not there. He claims that he wants to help keep Hikusaak from achieving his goals." Lucretia continued fluttering as the waitperson presented her tab.

“Hmm,” Arshtat said taking her time to consider the information. “Both mentioned that Harmonia is after the sun rune, but only one also brought up a danger to Falena.” She sighed. “I am not worried for Falena. It is well known that the sun rune has always been there, if they had wanted to acquire it, why would they have waited? From my understanding of their treaties and enemies on this continent, our Falena is well protected by geography.”

"Yes, but we must not rest on those laurels - Harmonia is a very determined nation and as history has shown, they're not above using [any] nation to attain their goals - Zexen is very well aware of that fact."

“I am not saying we dismiss them out of hand,” Arshtat clarified. “Merely that any plans to take over Falena are not an immediate threat.” She trailed off again and smiled softly as her tea was delivered. She took a small sip, and returned to her solemn gaze. “The real danger now is two bishops, or one and a former, who are aware of the sun rune’s far nearer location.”

"I agree. I'm not enamored of the fact that they have any interest in the Rune at all." Lucretia looked down at her fan and continued fluttering thoughtfully.

“Nor am I. Lucretia, when you spoke to him did it seem to you that Luc knew I no longer bore the rune?”

"It seemed to me that he was not aware that you no longer bear the Sun Rune." Lucretia set her fan down. "Although I don't want to chance being wrong at what he does and does not know."

“Yes, we must act as though they do,” Arshtat agreed. “I mentioned that I spoke with the captain…he must see their interest in the rune as very dangerous as he told me where the rune was hidden.”

Lucretia chuckled softly. "That Captain, he's really on the ball with these things. If you like, I can arrange a meeting with Luc and you can see better for yourself what his intentions may be?"

“That would be wise,” Arshtat nodded. “I need all of the information I can get in order to handle this correctly.” She played with the handle of her tea cup idly, as if debating if she wanted to have any. “You are no longer my official advisor, but I have always trusted your opinion. As of this point what do you believe our options are to protect my…the rune?”

“I do not wish for full-scale aggression - the residents of this castle have seen enough war in their lifetimes. But if it ever came to that, we couldn't ask for more capable defenders. We have to find a way to keep the Rune safe from any who may take it, and we must plan for that now that we know that Harmonia, amongst others, are trying to make moves against it." Lucretia shook her head at the thought of battling once more. "I guess this is going to take all the normality away for a bit, isn't it." Wanly chuckling she finally picked up one of the cookies that came with her tea and nibbled on it thoughtfully.

Arshtat smiled sadly, “Normalcy doesn’t suit us.” She stood, feeling the need to check on the rune even more keenly. If nothing else to ensure that Geddoe had not lied to her about its location. “We have the advantage for the time being in that we know where the rune is and they do not. If I feel this may change I will ensure it is moved. Until then, please inform this Luc that I will hear his proposal.”

"I certainly will. Should you need me for anything else, Your Majesty..." Lucretia trailed off, her parting words unspoken but hoepfully understood.

Arshtat understood the words quite plainly and nodded in response. “This conversation was too long in coming,” she said as though they had just been idly chatting. “We should not wait so long again.”

"I certainly agree, Your Majesty. I would much rather discuss the beauty of the castle's flowers than preparing for battle any day of the week." Lucretia smiled.

“I will be sure to let you know the next time the commander and I decide to plant more should you care to join us.”

"Lovely!" Lucretia stood up and placed some potch on the table for her tea. "Then if you would excuse me, I will inform Luc that you would wish to meet with him to further discuss his intentions. I will see you soon!" Frasier startled slightly at the shuffling of Lucretia's feet and, upon seeing Arshtat, meowed politely as he began to follow Lucretia out of the cafe.
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