Script log with Cecile

Apr 11, 2009 01:15

Who: Arshtat and Cecile
What: Cecile speaks with Arshtat about her punishment for that whole almost destroying Budehuc with a dangerous rune thing.
Where: Arshtat's room.

Cecile: *pacing around outside of Arshtat's door, the feather on her helmet bobbing up and down with each step--this was an important confrontation, so what would be the best way to begin...??*

Arshtat: ::enjoying her solitude with a pot of tea recently delivered. Notices the sounds from outside her door, but calmly ignores them until the one who was there made a move::

Cecile: *straightens her posture and takes a deep breath before knocking on Arshtat's door in the most authoritative manner possible* Hello? It's Cecile, the commander of the guards! Are you there?

Arshtat: ::looks up, smiling slightly at the authoritative knock and announcement:: You may enter Commander Cecile. ::takes another sip from her cup and sets it on the table::

Cecile: *gulps and opens the door* Is this a bad time? I was hoping to speak to you for a little bit.

Arshtat: ::eyebrow raise at the change in tone:: It is alright. I was just having some afternoon tea, there is enough for two. ::Gestures:: Sit.

Cecile: *flusters a little, but respectfully removes her helmet and sits across from Arshtat* Have you been well? I apologize for not speaking with you sooner--Master Thomas has been so busy, so I've been trying to make things a little easier on him.

Arshtat: Of course, the wellbeing of the castle master must be seen to. You seem tense, have some tea. It should help.

Cecile: Ah... I'm fine! Thank you though. *shyly takes a sip, her mind blanking out already* Th-there's going to be a festival soon! Do you plan to attend?

Arshtat: ::raises an eyebrow:: I had heard of the plans. They sound like a wonderful way to welcome the spring. ::takes another sip, hoping that by being calm Cecile might find her confidence more easily:: I am not certain if it would be wise for me to attend though. Some may find it inappropriate.

Cecile: I... *looks into her tea, then back up* What you did--was it on purpose? I mean... ah, maybe that doesn't sound so good.

Arshtat: You may try to ask it again, until it does. There were many things that happened, perhaps if you were more specific.

Cecile: The bad things that happened... with your rune? Were you doing them on purpose to hurt others?? *grips her teacup a bit*

Arshtat: ::looks down a bit:: That is a difficult question, and I am afraid the answer will not be black and white. I was…aware of everything I was doing, whether the desire to do so came from myself or the rune is hard to determine.

Cecile: Ah...did you ever try to stop yourself? *glimmer of hope!*

Arshtat: Is this an official trial?

Cecile: W-what!?? I... I cannot properly punish you if I don't know just how much of what happened was done willfully...

Arshtat: So this is. Forgive me Commander, but I am not used to having to explain myself without reason. ::sighs and straightens:: In that case, I must answer…no.

Cecile: *bites her lip, uncertain of how to progress at this point--that certainly was not the answer she anticipated* So all those bad things... but, I mean...

Arshtat: As I said, the matter is not so easily understood. ::sets down her tea, and folds her hands in her lap:: I do regret everyone who was harmed, I wish it did not happen. But that regret does not change the facts.

Cecile: I'm not looking to change the facts... but how am I to know what the best way to approach this if I do not know just how much was intended to happen?

Arshtat: None of it was intended. I know that sounds contradictory to what I previously said, but it is not. ::sigh:: To explain the song of a rune…The sun has it’s own ideas of how the world should be, as do each of us. The difference is that the sun has the power to make the world bend to its vision.

Cecile: *sits up a bit straighter* But whatever the rune wanted... certainly that does not mean you always agreed with it too, right?

Arshtat: … ::thinks:: No, as I said I did not wish to harm anyone, certainly not…the poor girl. It is so hard to explain. ::could say so much about the rune’s influence, but it is not her way to be so open:: I can tell you in all honesty, that if I had the power of the rune without its song, I would have done none of those acts.

Cecile: *exhales* Then... I think I can understand that. *looks up, setting the teacup on the saucer* Then I hope you know I mean no ill will when I say that you do need to face some sort of punishment, but knowing this greatly affects what kind of punishment I have.

Arshtat: I have been waiting for that eventuality. It is later than I expected.

Cecile: *blinks--this was unexpected as well* I-I'm not going to throw you in the dungeon!!

Arshtat: ::hides her unease:: If you intend to list everything you will not do we will be here for some time. It is alright to take the time you need to deliberate the proper course if you need.

Cecile: *furrows her brow a bit* Well--do you know how to re-shingle and tile a roof? Or mend crumbling sections in a stone wall?

Arshtat: ::Actually looks surprised, not having expected that at all:: Pardon?

Cecile: *starts ticking off her list on her fingers* Or refinish wooden tables? Or oil squeaky door hinges? Or repair creaky floorboards?

Arshtat: ::listens to her rattle off the list still quite shocked, but getting suspicious about the punishment:: … What is the point of these questions?

Cecile: *pauses, mentally struggling to remember the phrase Percival used* Instead of sitting in jail doing nothing, it's much more beneficial to everyone if they are actually doing things to help others! Not to mention working makes you reflect on all sorts of things about yourself. *vigorous nod*

Arshtat: … So I am to take it that my sentence after everything is community service?

Cecile: *continues to nod* Isn't it perfect?? I can't believe I never thought of it before!! *almost knocks over the teacup in her excitement*

Arshtat: ::has to repress a laugh:: I have found it a just punishment…if circumstances permitted. ::aka if she wouldn’t have appeared weak in front of the factions for it:: But Commander, do you really believe I have been schooled in carpentry repairs? ::motherly ‘let’s think about this’ face::

Cecile: ... *leans back in the chair contemplatively, then sits up again* You're completely right!!! Helping Lady Josephine stitch the old curtains and polish the pottery in the halls would be much better!

Arshtat: ::quite surprised by this turn to say the least:: I am not certain those actions are entirely appropriate. Do not misunderstand, I wish to help the castle as much as I can. I am worried though, how my people may react to seeing their monarch, current of no, performing those particular duties.

Cecile: Don't worry, I already thought of that! *pleased smile* You can just work right here in your room! Curtains can be taken down, and pottery can be relocated much easier than rotting shingles. And that way you have only the company of yourself, your work, and your thoughts. *nods*

Arshtat: Everyone really is equal here. How interesting.

Cecile: *tilts her head* Well, Master Thomas is the master of the castle, but he says that it's important for people to be treated fairly.

Arshtat: ::speaking mostly to herself:: It is so ingrained that you do not even realize it would be different anywhere else. ::smiles:: If this is my punishment then I will accept. But I do have one request.

Cecile: A request? Please tell me! *leans forward in her chair*

Arshtat: While privately I will give you full credit for this idea, I request that publicly you will act as though I suggested it.

Cecile: Eh? I do not mind, but I'm not sure I really follow. *smiles anyhow* Either way, it is a perfect solution! So I do not think it matters who suggested it, so if you wish to do that, I do not mind at all.

Arshtat: It is important ::leans forward looking at her seriously to be sure Cecile understands:: I’m certain you understand that there are different rules in other countries. Because of these rules, though I do not, there are those who will object to my doing any of this work, especially by another’s orders. I will be able to end any of these objections if they believe it was my decision.

Arshtat: Do you understand?

Cecile: *slowly nods* So... if you didn't tell others... they'd probably get really upset and maybe even cause trouble for you and other people! And I certainly don't want that to happen.

Arshtat: Exactly. ::leans back again, calmly:: Now, with this understanding I will be able to handle everything from here.

Cecile: Is there anything else I can do? *rises from her seat... completely oblivious that it might be more polite to wait until Arshtat did so first* If there is, please don't hesitate to let me know!

Arshtat: There is nothing more for you to worry about…although. Yes, if you could find some bulbs, any kind, of your favorite flower if you wish, it would be most helpful.

Cecile: *her whole face lights up as she begins to mentally brainstorm what flowers would compliment Budehuc best* Of course!! I'll let you know as soon as possible and try to secure them for you! *salutes*

Arshtat: Thank you, Commander. ::slight nod:: If there is nothing else, you may go. You seem excited to begin this task.

Cecile: I won't let you down!! *scampers off to find the right flower bulbs*

Arshtat: ::smiles as she leaves, picking up her tea again::
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