(no subject)

Aug 17, 2017 16:08

This is now apparently a politics and social happenings blog, haha

Vandalizing, Defacing and destroyong public property is NEVER ok. If you want a dumb statue removed get your officials to do it legally (so it can be put in a museum like art deserves). Get a permit for your fucking protests (and stay off the road unless you have a permit to close it!)- those "nazis" did. Be peaceful- the "nazis" were chill all night and morning till about noon when antifa showed up- i know with confidence because i actually watched the live streams as it was happening (ever since BLM started and I lived in oakland ive been watching them live EVERY TIME), not some cut together propganda Vice video (vice has been proven to be one sided, please just look at their front page). These wads of vocal minority violent thugs parading around and being treated like heros by the msm is disgusting. RIP USA when "Nazis" are more law abiding and respectful than their counter protesters.
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