Stop reminiscing

Nov 02, 2009 21:19

It has been about 4 years since then...

How much I wish everything would turn back to time *pauses* Too cliche, too cliche. Let's move on to something with more colourful vocabulary.

I know, I know. It irks some people out for me to keep fawning over how much I liked him, but for some people they just don't even remember. Everything was so perfect in my world back then, with a hint of drama from Naomi's side. Don't mind me saying this but I actually enjoyed the drama and when I recall back, it made me so grateful that my first secondary school year was so eventful... and tearful.

Three days? I couldn't believe I cried over a guy for three days when my house wasn't in the right conditions for me to bawl and suffocate myself in my own room - I didn't have my own room and my house was under renovation. Three days? It made my eyes all puffy (great, now I need sufficient masks and eye creams to repair it) for some guy who rejects my call straight after breaking up on the phone? Typo. A text message.

What did you do to my present for you? Feed it into the recycling bin? It's alright, for feeding it to the recycling bin because it would be at a place much better off than rotting at some jerk's house, in his sister's hands.

Contradicting, though. How much I wanted all these back? I'm glad I saved the best memories, and some of the worst.

At the same time, my secondary two year sucked too. What is it like to please everyone by just being yourself? I wasn't then. I was told I was being hated for all the wrong things I babbled over and over again that made them so pissed at me. Heck! Some of them were even more intolerable than me but you chose to leave me in the lurch?

They were stubborn
They wanted things to go their own way
They want you to compromise them
And they get accepted?

What kind of retards do that? Accepting some people who had been like this all these while but not me, when it was a moment of foolishness to brag about all the wrong things?

secondary, school, heartfelts

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