Mar 01, 2007 00:22
Content of Dreams
Images and Characters in Dreams
Most of the conscious experience in dreams is visual
Only about one-fourth of dream images include auditory sensations and about 20 percent include body sensations.
a. About half of the dreams that involve body sensations are sexual- 10 percent
Less than 1 percent of dreams include taste or smell
You are absent from your own dreams only 10 percent of the time. About half of the people in dreams you know and the other half you do not know, or cannot even recognize. Men dream slightly more about men than women are.
Sweet Dreams: The Emotional Content of Dreams
Although we dream mostly of positive things, negative dreams occur late in the sleep cycle and are more likely to wake us up. We forget many of our positive dreams because they do not wake us up and are more likely to be aware of the negatively charged dreams that wake us up. It is unfair but reassuring that psychologist know that usually we are happy in our dreams.
Overall men are a little more likely to recall positive dreams than women. The characters in men’s dreams are somewhat more socially restrained than the character in woemn’s dreams.
Creative and Bizarre Aspects of Dreams
About three-fourths of our dreams contain at least one bizarre and unrealistic element, usually mixed into an otherwise realistic dream. But 10 percent of our dreams involve mostly nonsensical story lines, and another 10 percent of dreams are almost completely fantastic and bizarre.
Meaning of Dreams
Day residue and Stimulus Incorporation
Day residue- Dream content that is similar to events in the person’s waking life
The majority of dreams contain at least one character of event from the preceding day.
Stimulus incorporation- stimuli occurring during sleep that are incorporated into dreams either directly or in altered form.
Dream Interpretation
To followers of Sigmund Freud, dreams are the “royal road to the unconscious.” They allow us to travel deep into the unconscious mind and view hidden conflicts and motives cloaked by the symbols of dreams.
Manifest Content- according to Freud, the literal meaning of dreams
Latent Content- According to Freud, the true meaning of dreams that is found in the symbols of their manifest content
part of my outline for psychology.