Jun 16, 2004 00:21

k first off i need to bitch a lil bit...i needa let off some steam cuz im PISSED right now!! seriously...im so sick of people blowing other ppl off for their boyfriend or girlfriend. Dave's completly gotten the shaft lately and Dave sure as hell doesnt deserve that! and me and chris had a lil issure but that completly got worked out i think and now this thing with jj! IM SO PISSED ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY!! apparently sence he has a girlfriend he cant hang out with other girls because "thats not how it works in fremont, if your not single you dont hang out with other girls" YEA...OK! ahhhhhhhhhhh you dont even know how pissed i am about this right now...and me expressing my feelings to him means that i hate him...apparently! and yea ppl may say i ditch them for matt but i dont say im gonna hang out with someone and then be like nope i'd rather be with matt..if i have plans i keep them....i guess thats not straight in fremont! but whatever...

so anyways enough about that shit cuz talkin about it just pisses me off....but yea um....today was alright...got up at like 12:30 and got ready and cleaned and stuff and went to matts at like 1:45 we hung out with mike as well...we spent most of the day over there til we came back here and watched the Pistons...very eventful...

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