Jun 13, 2004 00:31

first off had to get up to go to softball practice that started at 10...I wasnt' real happy about getting up this morning but i was excited about practice oh man good fun! after practice i came home and cleaned some more and took a shower. jen was supossed to come over and hang out with me but i got the big shaft til about 4...so jen came over and then steph was supossed to come but she got sick...that sucked! well...me and jen wanted to go swimming so we had sarah come over and swim with us! haha Joe called me and wanted to hang out with me and then called later and wants to hang out tomorrow but im not excited....i donno what im going to do. I also dont know what im gonna do about matt...i know everyone thinks im stupid for getting into this again.......AHHHHHHH I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!! i love the kid but i dont wanna get hurt again! this absolutly sucks i dont knwo waht the hell im supposed to do and im so stressed out right now and who knows whats gonna happen in the next few days...i need proof this kid loves me before i decide anything.....ahhhhhh why am i even thinking about this.....who cares what ever happens happens why worry lol k had to get that out im straight now! alright well Rachaels got a very long day tomorrow...i will talk to u all later...have a good night/day!

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