Aug 13, 2005 20:54
I asked my husband if it bothers him that I had kind of let myself "go. (need to lose 20 pounds). And he said yes, a little. I told him I haven't completely given up - my hair and skin and teeth look good. I don't look like the ladies at KMart. He says as soon as the boys are in school again, he knows I am going to go back to the gym regularly again so he's not worried.
I repeated this conversation to a friend and her husband was there. I think it bothers him more than it bugs my husband. He was saying that I should just do it to do it, not because it bothers hubby. This guy lost weight with weight watchers ans has kept it off for years. He can speak from authority. I can't stand it. He should have the decency to gain it back like everyone else. That would be the polite thing to do.