Aug 19, 2005 07:55
Your blog reminds me of "The Tightwad Gazette" and "The Cook's Garden" catalog. I assume you have read them.
Every winter I plan to put in an awesome poteger garden (is that redundant?) but the spring is so nuts it hasn't happened yet. The kids are dying for me to get it together. Maybe I'll get it cut this fall. Of course my front rose and perrenial garden need serious weeding because i can't even keep up with that. I enjoy the vicarious reports of your garden. Keep describing its progress, if you don't mind.
Maybe I'll start with a "Square-foot" garden one of these days. They look so ugly in the pics though.
Anyway, I'm off to make pastry dough from scratch. Not a strength, but so much less expensive and I can get the size I want. I always have to make double the amount called for because i can't get it thin enough to meet the specs of the recipe.