Challenge 86 - Sir Joshua Reynolds

Mar 24, 2010 12:26

The challenge this time is the art of the Georgian painter Sir Joshua Reynolds. His beautiful attention to detail on the gowns of some of the ladies he painted look almost real.

Sir Joshua Reynolds (July 16, 1723 - February 23, 1792) was the most important and influential of eighteenth-century English painters, specialising in portraits and promoting the "Grand Style" in painting which depended on idealization of the imperfect. He was one of the founders and first President of the Royal Academy. George III appreciated his merits and knighted him in 1769.

I am going to make the time for this challenge three weeks for you to submit entries, with Easter coming up I am sure people will be busy, so entries for this challenge are due by Tuesday April 13th Midnight EST

There is a huge Joshua Reynolds pic spam under the cut, lol. I have only used ladies and children because they were the prettiest, but you can find images of men he painted and use them if you like.

Entries : 65

You can submit up to TEN icons for this challenge, each must be significantly different if you choose to use the same image. All effects allowed except animation. icons must be 100x100px in size and no bigger than 40kb. If there is anything you are not sure about or have a question, just ask. BTW, there is one painting in the images I uploaded which may not be a Reynolds, it was done in error and I couldn't tell which lol.

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