Challenge 85 - Couples

Feb 23, 2010 17:04

I know Valentine's day has come and gone but it is never too late for a bit of romance, lol. This challenge is all about the love :P I have posted a selection of caps of heroes and heroines together.

Details, caps and info under the cut.

Entries due Tuesday March 9th midnight EST.

Entries : 55

For this challenge you can make up to six icons. You may use the caps provided or ones of your own. This week I am restricting it to the regency period alone, so no caps from movies/mini series set in the Georgian times.

You can use all effects except animation. Another good place to find images is Longbourn

They have to be a couple that end up together, no fantasy parings, lol. Maybe we can do that another time. ;) If you are unsure of anything just ask. :)

Icons must be no bigger than 100x100px, do not post your entries anywhere else until the challenge has finished.

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