Challenge 83 Letters & Writing

Nov 19, 2009 13:41

Good correspondence was important in the Regency times, with no net and emails lol. I think writing a good letter is a dying art now we have the ease of the internet. Jane Austen herself once said "A person who can write a long letter with ease, cannot write ill."

I have made caps for the challenge which you can download Here : {Extra Caps} I have posted a selection under the cut, but there are many better ones in the download. Most of the caps are by myself. Other thanks go to ddhockey for the S&S 1996 ones and to Longbourn for the Emma 1996 & Persuasion 1995 caps.

Entries for this challenge are due Tuesday December 1st Midnight EST. There are some specific rules to this challenge, so read them carefully. :)

Entries : 44

This challenge is going to be a TEXTLESS challenge. No readable words anywhere, except on the letters in the caps. I thought being about the written word, I would go in reverse and make it textless. You can use tiny text brushes that are unreadable.

You can make up to six icons, either from the caps I have provided or use your own. Any regency adaptation is acceptable as long as it shows someone reading or writing a letter. If you are not sure of any thing please ask. I will be awarding an extra award for best cropping. All effects allowed except text and animation.

Icons must be 100x100px

challenge 83

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