Please tell me I'm not the only ReGenesis fan left out there!

May 29, 2012 20:53

Hello fellow lab techies and science enthusiasts!

Yay, finally a ReGenesis community that doesn't seem completely dead. \o/ I was pointed here by brooklinegirl, and I thought I'd send a quick shout-out to see if there's anyone around who actually remembers the show. I only stumbled across it last winter, and I devoured all four seasons in too short a time for any sane mind to fathom. :-)

I know, it's kinda hard to come into a fandom when the show's been off the air for about four years, and still find people who are enthusiastic about it. *sigh* But, hey, I'll take what I can get and I'm going to read through some of the older posts.

I'm also gonna have to peruse the comm to see if there's any good fanfic here, cause there seems to be terribly little to start with. And since I'm not much of a fan of non-canon slash, it gets even harder. (Should I mention that in my frustration, I wrote some myself?) Any hints for recs? Any questions? Any anything?

I'll wait with baited breath for any comments (please?) and I'll leave you with one of my favorite Sandström quotes: "Who says you have to be sane to be brilliant?"

And a bonus e-card, for good measure (I have more ReGen graphics, if anyone's game):


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