Mad scientist?
naw just a bit ticked off,..;)
one of my isometric design sketches
not very refined, this one is a couple generations later than the one i built the prototype from,so has some improvements i've devised the drawings change often and they tend to get scribbled and spilled upon, typical evil lab stuff,.. plus when you have to be your own henchman the work tends to go slow,..i usually use recycled and found parts to build the test gear, well as the finished items ultimately,..
the prototype,...
It's not fully constructed yet. this is the stage where i was working out the details of amperage draw and the balance of electrolyte in the water, ...oh i haven't told you what this whole little enterprise is,... it's referred to as a hydrogen generator, but really it's a water disassembler,... it separates the oxygen and hydrogen,... by magic,... well let's just call it that, because if you understand what electrolysis is you already know what's going on and if not,... well it's magic, the full explanation is pretty involved and tends to bury the whole point,.. and I don't really want to get into the whole ions and protons and their whole bonding process,.. I mean some things are their own private matters,.. right?,.. right,..
Now where was I,.. oh yeah,.. this is one of my little energy projects with a multitude of potential uses but primarily it for two main uses, one to improve the fuel mileage on my truck and the other is for a unit called a “micro-torch” for precision jewelery work both of which I'll probably belabor you with as they develop, the bottom line here is one of the reasons I'm mad,.. well ticked , .. I'm pretty tired of hearing the whole oil shortage thing when in reality, everything that burns is hydrogen, and yeah theres lots of noise around it not being feasible yet,..which is so much bullshit,... it's all about money and not much else,...but anyway, I've been into self sustaining systems since I was able to read, and watch my grandfather heat the milk room with his own homemade hooch, (yeah, he also drank the stuff,...), there is no shortage of fuel, one just needs the wits to make it available,.. this is one of my processes,..:)