
May 06, 2011 22:28

[While Chrodechild was definitely relieved to be out of whatever that strange place she had been sent to was, she was not pleased to find her half of the Chronicle of the Twin Blades was missing along with her clothing and her companions. Had they ended up in another world somehow? And how did she pick up a set of black wings? This was definitely a very strange world.

But when she noticed the book left nearby seemed to be some sort of a communication device, that was at least a relief. She hated using a device that didn't belong to her, but she was also in a strange place and it could be hostile to her. It was best to try and make peaceful contact and leave as soon as she could rather than try and wander around without even a weapon.

After fiddling around with it a bit, she was able to get the book to work, though the camera is upside down.]

I apologize for any incorrectness of this message and also my intrusion into this land. My name is Chrodechild, of the Blades of Night's Veil. I have ended up in this world due to circumstances beyond my control. I would like to request information pertaining to the nearest Gateway or Wanderer Caravan. I also would like to request information on the location of the nearest town and if any have found two young men who may also have found their way to this world with me. Their names are Sieg and Liu.

Any who can provide this information do have my gratitude.


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