I love you. I really, really love you like the Academy loved Sally Fields. This is just brilliant and it's the Doctor and I've been watching William Hartnell-era and now I need to scrub my brains out. Yes.
he knows one word that translates as 'trembling man pillar' and that does not enhance sexual excitement at all.
*iz ded* One minute it's so hot and the next you have me laughing. You're evil and brilliant.
I love you a whole lot too and if someone ever writes 1st Doctor/Rose, I'm totally reccing it to you. :-P
One minute it's so hot and the next you have me laughing. You're evil and brilliant.
But of course! And that came out of a bit of a rant on being tired of terms stepping around the 'dirty' terms of cock and whatnot. I don't think I've ever seen trembling man pillar used, but you know someone's used it, probably in both fanfic AND awful romance novels.
he knows one word that translates as 'trembling man pillar' and that does not enhance sexual excitement at all.
*iz ded* One minute it's so hot and the next you have me laughing. You're evil and brilliant.
One minute it's so hot and the next you have me laughing. You're evil and brilliant.
But of course! And that came out of a bit of a rant on being tired of terms stepping around the 'dirty' terms of cock and whatnot. I don't think I've ever seen trembling man pillar used, but you know someone's used it, probably in both fanfic AND awful romance novels.
I'm pretty sure it's out there. I just reserve my right not to read it.
I need to re-make my Hartnell icon.
Oh wait, that's something that makes me feel happy.
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