Quiz! Because I'm laaaaaazy.

Jan 22, 2003 22:59

Gakked from Trixie, who got it from Trix and so on and so forth.

And I'll talk about my hella busy day tomorrow.

What's on your bedside table?

Okay, I have a small greek-style pitcher, a disk full of fic, my makeup remover and Sea Breeze facial cleaner, cottonballs and q-tips in a plastic baggie, a bottle of lavender-vanilla massage oil (and I didn't even realize it was there), a total of 12 candles all with their own kinds of stands, a cool mousepad shaped like a gold plate which I'm using to hold one of my candleholders, an incense holder, a makeup compact, 12 books (LotR, HP, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, an English dictionary, a Spanish dictionary, the Hobbit, and a collection of works by Charles Dickens), and two black and white mugs that I'm using as book-holders for all my books.

Wow. That's a lot of stuff.

What is the geekiest part of your music collection?

Ahh...I still have my Ricky Martin CD. Ugh, that's so lame.

What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?

Well, I shouldn't be raiding the fridge, but I go for tortilla ships, carb stuff, and these insanely delicious cafe twists which are puff pastries and actually very low-fat.

What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?

Hmm. Movie, eh? That's a little hard to place.

If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?

Fix my tummy, get a tuck, my abs are non-existent, it's really sad.

Do you have a completely irrational fear?

Goya, you have an answer! This fucking crazy painting by Goya, called "Chronos Devouring Son." I saw it at "El Prado" and it freaked me out seriously for about a year. I know I have a fear of it and there's no logical reason, but it still creeps me out. And I had to cover it in an art class, talk about scary, Goya actually used to have it hanging up at his house like it was a reasonable painting and not this crazy scraggly monster with a child's bleeding body in his mouth.


What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment?

Looking down at the floor.

Do you ever have to beg?

If I ever have, it's never worked.

Are you a pyromaniac?

Fire pretty but fire also bad. So no.

Do you have too many love interests?

God no. I have too many love interests interested in other people/dating someone else. I'm destined to become a nun. An evil nun.

Do you know anyone famous?

Nope. I'm supposedly distantly related to a two: a Puerto Rican Miss Universe several years back is supposedly a distant cousin and I'm somehow related to the guy who sings "Feliz Navidad."

I kind of believe that with a grain of salt.

Describe your bed:

It's a futon. It's got heavy black metal as a support and it's a thick queen-sized mattress that's black, white, and gray patterned. I cover it with a gray patterned sheet, a checker-like black and white comforter, and another thick black comforter. It's really cozy, whether it's a couch or a bed.

Spontaneous or plan:

Spontaneous planning.

Who should play you in a movie about your life?

Egads. I don't look like anyone famous.

Do you know how to play poker?


What do you carry with you at all times?

Oh, for Frell's sake, this will be a while, my wallet with money, id, credit cards, and receipts, two different kinds of lipstick, lip balm, three pens, pictures of my sisters, a prom pic of me and my date (wow, I can't believe I have it there), pics of my puppy, my Weight Watchers info, mints, tweezers, key chain, nail file, change, diet candy bar, checkbook, compact mirror, disk, micellanous papers.

No wonder it's so heavy.

How do you drive?

Not too fast, not too crazy, but dammit, you can go over the speed limit by ten miles, let's go!

What do you miss most about being little?

Being free. Not being shy and so afraid of being the life of the party. The ability to be unashamed because I was just doing my thing and no one else's opinion mattered. Middle School/Junior High really fucked me up.

Are you happy with your given name?

Since Jennem's already given a hint of my first one, I'll say it here. I like Nicole. I'm a Nicole. Not a Niki or a Nicky or a Nicki, I'm a Nicole. It's very me. I do like my first name. My second name is unique (a baseball player does have it, but he pronounces it just a bit differently) and no one really gets it right, although it's just 5 letters, but I love it because it's so different. There's no way in hell I'm changing it if I get married.

What color is your bedroom?

Shades of gray like being caught in the center of a sea storm. White walls, dark gray door, grays with white carpeting. Sensing a pattern here? *g*

What was the last song you were listening to?

"Video," India.Arie

Have you ever been in a play?

Yes, a total of 4.

Who are your best friends?

I'll go with my shiny Nariya, pretty Jen, and lovely Jennem.

Have you ever been in love?

Loved but never been.

Do you talk a lot?

Not really. Sometimes. Maybe. It depends. Only if I have something to say. I don't really say a lot.

Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?

As much as I can and not enough.

Have you ever done any illegal drugs?


Do you think you're cute?

People have called me cute. They are liars. I think I'm pretty. I think I have a pretty face. I don't think of myself as cute.

Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?


Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?

I consider myself a bitch, but I'm probably a nice person as far as the persona I show to the outer world. I don't have a hard shell and I don't like pissing people off, I tend to think that I've got to "fix" everything and being nice is the best way to do that. I'm a peacemaker.

Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?

Muchly time with my friends. It's the best way to get recharged or to just relax.
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