Jan 27, 2009 00:24
Professor Solidor, I can only hope that you were pleased with my presentation.
Speaking from the heart often makes for a far better demonstration than for me to speak on something I know nothing about.
In order to fully benefit Frelia, it is imperative that all appropriate sacrifices be made and tended to accordingly.
An indepent province led by an independent and prideful king, Frelia has the potential to suffer from economic failure if the corresponding actions are not taken. Without the help from the neighbouring provinces, Renais, and even those far off of Jehanna and Grado's aspiring nation, Frelia's fall would be defined as inevitable. The aid from neutral parties, such as Carcino and even the peaceful demeanour of Caer Pelyn would prove beneficial comrades.
This is an era of peace. The War of the Stones has been over for approximately a year. Reconstruction is difficult, however, in these times, and it is essential that we place our faith and our trust into the countries that we share borders with. A king and his queen can only be as powerful and influential as their people allow them to be. For this reason, it is required that the royalty sitting within the thrones show the strengths of their hearts, rather than relying solely upon the strengths of their bows, their retainers, their soldiers, their unions, and their purses.
A country cannot be led without its people. There are no people without faith in their leaders. A leader with no faith, is no better than a felon caught for looting and sentenced to execution.
In this era, in this time, as a woman of a noble heart, as a woman of regal nature, I find it not only my responsibility to lead my people down the proper path of righteousness, but also expect the same of my brother, my King, and others of impressive lineage. It is not our social status that defines us as royalty, but rather the people who place their loyalties within us. I am only half of a queen without my people. I am only half of a person without my followers. I am only half of a heart when those I have promised to protect suffer from poverty.
It is with this statement, that I wish to express my desire to better myself for the benefit of others, and extend my hand in alliance to the other authorities of Aegean. It is with my highest hopes that I be capable of making even the smallest difference, be it toward those of a smaller status, or those identical to me. I believe, with the truest intent of my heart, that I will be capable of restoring beautiful Frelia to her former glory.
fire emblem 8