[Vivi looks around, very disoriented. One moment she was walking down Route 30, and now she's somewhere completely different: a sprawling city. A sign on a store front tells her that this is Goldenrod City.]
I'm not sure what just happened, but ... Goldenrod's where Alfred said to go, right?
[The place is a lot busier than she expected. It isn
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You recognise this place?
[It wasn't here a day or so ago, okay? So he's a little confused by it too.]
[She turns back to the casino, hoping it will have disappeared when she looked away, but to no avail.]
Unfortunately, I do. It was originally in my Kingdom, but I'd hoped never to see it again.
Yup! Didn't expect to see you here so soon though.
[Though yeah, sorry. It's still there. He'll frown at it too, because it doesn't sound good with what she's saying.]
So it's where the bad guys are, right?
[Her face hardens at that thought.]
This place belonged to my greatest enemy. If it has been brought here, I'm scared that he may have been brought here, too.
[He clenches his fist, but gives her a warm smile.]
Does that mean you're going to be needing some help then?
I... I don't want you to get hurt for me, Alfred. He's very strong.
[He laughs at that.] I could probably make that building crumble with one hit, don't worry about me!
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