Words for your "mother"

Mar 08, 2005 22:11

In light of recent events, I have decided to start posting on this LJ again even though I suspect that everyone who use to read my journal now uses "My Space", which has turned into a whore-fest to see who can get the most friends (especially of people they dont know) on thier list.  So just in case anyone reads Ill just post some stuff once in a while, if not for you then just for my metaphysical content.

So, I stared my week off very well, the abortions of humans running the "Save America" campaign gave me wonderful info about what is good and what is a sin.  I decided that they were correct and I converted to thier cult led by the messiah named Flip.  I think this weekend should be fun, we are going to beat up some gay people and muslims, or whatever we suddenly decide is evil.

If you did not pick up on the sarcasm in the above paragraph then you should just stop reading now, becuase you are an idiot.  But anyway, in case you have not seen Flip, I took a picture of him while driving by this morning, if you see him you will understand why he believes the strange things he does.  Apparently here, he was about to sacrifice this woman who said the word Allah on accident.  As you can see, she is terrified of his cloth which contains poison that kills muslims.

So I guess I can see why people join with him, its kind of a release to kill people sometimes I suppose.  Anyway, in other news, a lot of people have been getting sick with what I call the "Godzilla Cold" and have been feeling bad.  Haha that sucks for you, I haven't gotten sick becuase I take vitamins.  I would suggest you all do the same.

Well anyway, I hope everyone has some fun spring break plans, but dont doo anything absolutely stupid.  This may seem controversial, but if you wake up from your teenage idealistic dream, you will realize it is true:  if you do stupid things like binge drink, and die or kill someone or something else bad happens to you, that is your own fault and you deserved it, and there are no excuses.  Period.  Personally I'd pick a better way to go out, so Ill steer away from that for now.  Anyway, im going to get a tattoo on the inside of my lip.  If anyone speaks or writes Sanskrit please introduce yourself to me.


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