The Seven Year Itch

Mar 07, 2013 16:52

Title: The Seven Year Itch
Summary: Continuation from the Imagine Me & You AU; Stiles and Derek have a little trouble in paradise
Warnings: Bottom Derek, Top Stiles
Rating: Explicit
Chapters: 1/1
Notes: No beta so mistakes are mine.


Original: Imagine Me & You
Continuation: To New Homes| To Happy Ever Afters| Paradise| Double Trouble


Derek and Stiles are going through it; the seven year itch. Granted, it’s been a little longer than seven years but the fact still remains. Derek can’t remember the last time he and Stiles had sex. No that’s a lie - he can. It was a month and four days ago, on a Tuesday evening when the kids were at mini-league lacrosse practice, or was it track and field? Either way, they had the house to themselves, Grandpa Stilinski agreed to take the kiddies to practice and then take them out to dinner and ice cream.

Both he and Stiles have been busy with their respective jobs, juggling the kids and all their activities and just the hustle and bustle of everyday life - the washing machine breaking, a pipe bursting, grocery shopping, clothes shopping, it’s never ending. Stiles had been coming home later and later these past few weeks. It’s April and he’s got exams to prepare for his classes, it’s not just stressful for the students.

It’s one of those nights again that Stiles came home, well after 8pm, when he promised he’d be home by 5 at the latest, Derek even texted and called. He was tempted to get in his car and drive to Stiles’ work just to make sure that he was okay. They talked about that though, the whole boundaries thing.

“What’s for dinner?” Stiles sighed as he unlocked the front door and dropped his bag at the door slinking out of his coat; it’s starting to warm up but it’s been rainy these past few days.

“Eggs and toast” Derek answers, getting up from the chair in the family room dropping one of the kids’ math textbooks that he’s been reading ahead in so he can help Nicholas when he has homework.

“Really?” Stiles groaned pulling a face “That’s the best you could come up with? You’ve been home all day.”

Derek bit the inside of his cheek; he tried to stop the growl that was threatening to escape.  Yes, he had been home all day but only because he works the night shift and gets in at 4 am most mornings. He barely gets two hours of sleep before Stiles is shoving his foot into Derek’s shin talking about getting the kids ready for school. Derek gets the kids up, dressed and to school before he gets to come home and pass out.

He then picks up the kids after school, drives them around to whatever practice or afterschool activity they have before coming home, making dinner and then getting ready to head out to work. Just to repeat it all over again the next day. Stiles seems to forget that even though Derek is home all day, that’s the time he needs to actually sleep.

Derek hates his job, working at a recycling plant - but with no actual educational skills besides a GED that he barely passed he doesn’t have many options. He often thought about going back to school when Stiles was going for his PhD - watching him work was awe inspiring. But Derek just never really got around to it, so here he is, working in a recycling plant - hating his job.

He walks to the kitchen, pops the toaster down with the bread already in there ready for Stiles to come home. He reheats the pan he left on the stove and cracks the eggs making scrambled eggs, nice and milky just the way Stiles likes it. He puts it on the table waiting for Stiles to come back downstairs from changing out of his work clothes, so he waits at the table flipping through James’ homework - writing out the alphabet, and he’s getting really good at it.

Stiles is back downstairs soon after, sighs and sits down at the kitchen table. Derek asked how his day was and Stiles answers in monosyllables - even though that’s Derek’s forte. Stiles picks at his food, taking a bite out of his toast, shoving the eggs around the place before he gives up dropping the bread on the plate and dumping it in the trash.

“I’m gonna hit the sack, read over some notes” Stiles mumbled, he retreated back up the stairs not even bothering to look in on the kids like he normally does every night.

Derek tries not to be hurt that Stiles didn’t eat the dinner he’d just made for him. After all it was only eggs, not like it was a three course meal or anything. Though would a little appreciation hurt?


Derek’s on the midnight shift tonight, working until 8am so it’ll be Stiles’ turn to get the kids up for breakfast and to school, so he goes in and checks on the kids in their rooms one last time. He doesn’t want to risk going in and checking on them a little before midnight when he leaves - they are werewolves after all and are still prone to being restless even if they’re not fully developed in terms of their werewolf abilities.

He walks into their bedroom and sees Stiles’ on top of the covers in his boxers, glasses on reading over some of his notes, what notes Derek has no idea. He sat on his side of the bed, propped up the pillows on the headboard as he tried to get Stiles’ attention.

Derek ran his nose along Stiles’ jaw up to his ear he puts his hand on Stiles’ thigh ready to run it up to where he’s still in his boxers. Stiles stops him, squirming away.

“Stop” Stiles said. “I have a lot of work to do. Don’t you have to go to work?”

Talk about a shut down. Derek blinked a few times and moved back to his side of the bed. He bites the inside of his cheek and for the second time that night holds down his frustration. No, he isn’t the kind of husband that thinks he should get sex whenever he’s in the mood. He’s perfectly aware of every night not being the night. But trying wasn’t going to kill anyone, and the least Stiles could do is make an effort - even if it’s just talking. Not reading and doing work when he’s at home.

“Yeah, I better get going” Derek bit out, he pretended to look at his watch as if he were going to be late. He grabs his work clothes, goes into the bathroom to change. He spends a little longer in there than necessary, leaning against the vanity trying to get himself under control.

He remembers the first time they were in this bathroom together. When they had first moved in and he fucked Stiles over the counter as they watched themselves in the mirror. That was before marriage and kids - not necessarily the good or better days, but a different time. A more carefree time. He sighed, looked at himself in the mirror, ran his hands through his hair ready to leave.

“Later” Stiles said not even looking up from his work on the bed. If Stiles had even bothered to pay attention he’d have realised that Derek doesn’t start until midnight, it’s barely even nine. It doesn’t take three hours to get to work.

Derek sure as hell doesn’t want to go to work any earlier than he needs to so he stops at the coffee place near the recycling plant and settled into one of the booths in the corner as he waited around to kill time before he had to start.

Marriage, Derek thought.


It’s a week after that, which Derek has enough - he’s got to do something. The previous night, Thursday, Nicholas has a spelling bee at school and Stiles had promised to be there. Half way through the spelling bee, Derek discreetly texted Stiles asking where he is. Stiles texted back he was at work forgot about the spelling bee and was so sorry. That was the final straw for Derek.

Stiles walked in Friday evening a little later than he said he’d be home, ten past 6.

“I’m home. Why is it so quite? Why does it smell so good? Where are the kids?” he asked a mile a minute, he dropped his bag on the floor looking around.

“Go shower” Derek answered as he continued to slice cucumbers.

“Are those black-peppered croutons? Yum” Stiles noted as he looked at the table. “What’s cooking? Where are the kids?”

“With Laura, now go shower” Derek insisted.

Stiles threw his hands up in the air in defence but made his way upstairs. Derek heard the shower start a few minutes later.


“Oh my God, is that salmon?” Stiles drooled; he was seated at the kitchen table after his shower as Derek unfolded the foil that was wrapped around the salmon. “You hate salmon, and black-peppered croutons.”

“But you like them. Dig in.”

Stiles greedily cut into the salmon, placed a large chunk on his plate and heaped some salad on as well, covering it in croutons, bacon bits and creamy salad dressing. When he took his first bite he let out a groan of satisfaction. For once in his life he didn’t even bother to talk with food in his mouth - instead he just savoured the meal Derek had cooked.

Meanwhile, Derek cut a little piece of salmon and placed it on his plate and placed some salad leaving the croutons out. He picked at his meal, not really bothered because he’d eaten a sandwich when he picked the kids up from school; besides he didn’t cook this meal for him, he did it for Stiles.

“This isn’t that I thought would happen tonight. Especially after I missed Nicholas’ spelling bee yesterday” Stiles hedged between bites of his salmon.

“I know” is all Derek answered.

“Okay, listen.” Stiles started, becoming pin-focused. “I know I’ve been super late these past few weeks, not picking up my phone - which you hate, missing dinners, and missing Nicholas’ spelling bee which was unforgivable and I need to change all that. You know I get stressed when it comes to the end of the school year, prepping the students for exams and everything. But I promise next year I’ll actually get a decent TA that’s more help than hindrance. I’ll be home earlier, or at least on time, focus more on the kids, and you.”

“Actions speak louder than words Stiles.”

“I know, I know. Believe me there will be a difference!”

Derek nodded his head and picked at his lettuce. He believes Stiles means it, Stiles does care about Derek and the kids but there’s a difference between saying something and actually doing it. Time will just have to deal.

“The kids miss you” Derek said. “We need to balance our time more appropriately.”

“Absolutely” Stiles nodded his head vigorously.


There’s a silence between them now, but unlike the night before when Stiles came home after missing the spelling bee it isn’t uncomfortable, it’s the silence they’ve become used to over the years together. Derek fidgeted in his chair because now it’s his turn to get something out into the open.

“I want to quit my job” Derek blurted out.

He watched as Stiles put his fork and knife down, chewed his food without saying anything. Derek doesn’t know whether it’s because he’s trying to be polite in not talking with food in his mouth or if he’s trying to think of what to say.

“What?” Stiles finally gets out.

“I hate it at the recycling plant, you know that. Working nights is becoming too tiresome, by the time I get home in the mornings I only get a few nights sleep then I have to get up and get the kids ready. I’m tired all the time.”

“So, what? Find another job or?”

“I was thinking about… Not going back to work at all” Derek hedged as he moved a piece of lettuce across the plate, not looking Stiles in the eye.

“You mean like a stay at home dad?”

Derek just shrugged his shoulders finally looking up to meet Stiles’ eyes.

“It was just a thought…”

“No, no I mean have you really thought about this?” Stiles interrupted.

“We have some money saved; you’re on track for tenure.”

“And you wouldn’t mind staying home, looking after the kids and everything?”

“I already do most of that anyway, this way I’ll just have more energy” Derek answered.

“Then I think it’s a perfect idea” Stiles beamed.


“Hell yeah, Daddy day care, sounds sexy.”

Derek’s lips tug up into a smile because only Stiles would turn a serious conversation into something about sexiness and day care.

“Thanks Stiles.”


Derek came out of the bathroom with only his boxers on, hair still wet and in all difference directions from his shower, to see Stiles lying on top of the bed.

“Hey why are those on? C’mere” Stiles said he sat up on the edge of the bed, feet flat on the ground. He grabs Derek by the waist of his boxers, tugged until Derek is standing in front of him.

“I’m sorry for everything these past few weeks” Stiles murmured into Derek’s stomach.

Derek ran his hands through Stiles’ hair, nails lightly scratching Stiles scalp and he can feel Stiles breathe a sigh of relief into his stomach. Stiles ran his smooth face over the planes of Derek’s stomach and traced his right hand over the fabric of Derek’s boxers. He keeps rubbing Derek through his boxers, he can feel Derek’s cock twitch, hardening through the fabric - it’s been too long since they’ve done this. He can feel Derek’s nails as they scratch through his scalp just that little bit harder, moving his body in as close to Stiles as he can.

Stiles finally tugged Derek’s boxers down, let Derek far enough away to step out of them before his hands are gripped around Derek’s waist pulling him in closer. Stiles nips at Derek’s hips, running his tongue from one hip bone to the other. He sneaks a hand around runs his finger down to Derek’s entrance, teasing lightly with tiny circles and pressing in only slightly.

Stiles licks up Derek’s cock, tracing teasingly with his tongue before taking the tip in, circling his tongue around - he can feel when Derek instantly relaxes, his whole body going lax, all the tension easing out of his body. He grips Derek and tugs at Derek’s cock as he still works the tip, finally starting to take more in.

Stiles could get wrapped up just doing this, with Derek’s cock in his mouth and finish him off - Derek probably wouldn’t object. But Stiles wants to make this good for Derek, show him he still cares, still loves him. When he finally releases Derek’s cock from his mouth he stands up, cups Derek’s face in his hands and he can feel the day old stubble, prickly against his palm and kisses Derek.

“I’ve missed this” Stiles whispered into Derek’s mouth when he’s finished nibbling on Derek’s bottom lip. “How long has it even been?”

“A month and week, give or take” Derek answered immediately, hand gripped on Stiles’ waist not letting Stiles move away from the warmth of Derek’s body.

Stiles hadn’t expected an answer, just knew it had been a long time - but hearing how long it had been, well yeah that’s a long time; at least for them. Stiles huffs a little laugh, grips the hair at the base of Derek’s still wet hair and pulls until Derek’s bearing his neck. He runs his tongue over Derek’s Adam apple and whispers into his neck “Well let’s not let it happen again.”

He pulled back and motioned for Derek to get on the bed. Derek all but pounced on the bed lying flat on his back before Stiles rolls his eyes and tells Derek to roll over. Stiles repositions Derek until his arms are braced on the pillow and he’s got a perfect view of Derek’s ass.

“Remind me again why it’s been a month since we’ve done this?” Stiles asked, he got a firm grip on each of Derek’s cheeks and pulled them apart, he let his breath ghost over Derek’s hole.

“Stiles” Derek sighed only to have it turn into a hiccup when he felt the pad of Stiles’ tongue run over his hole; circling it.

Stiles wanted to take his time, he really did, show Derek that he still cared. But once his tongue hit Derek’s ass, hearing the sighs and moans slipping through Derek’s lips, there was no going back, no going slow. He placed his whole mouth over Derek’s, lapped at Derek’s hole leaving a trail of spit and lewd noises behind.

He felt something smack him in the back of the head only to realise that Derek had thrown the lube over, talk about impatience. Stiles let a huff of a laugh out, popped the lid of the lube open warming it in his fingers and making quick work of Derek’s hole, opening him up. Even after a month, it didn’t take long to open Derek up, feeling as Derek pushed back on his fingers, impatience growing.

“How?” Stiles asked.

Derek in a haste wiggled around until he was laying flat on his back, nearly knocking Stiles out for the second time that night, and hello having sex with an unconscious person would not be fun, and frowned upon.

Stiles grabbed hold of Derek’s hips pulling until he was where Stiles wanted, Stiles entered Derek slow. He resisted the urge to close his eyes, revel in the sensation only because he wanted to see Derek. Derek as he shuts his eyes, grips at the bedspread. He starts slowly, pulling out then back in hands braced on either side of Derek’s head. He leans as far forward as his face hovers over Derek’s.

“Hey, you still with me?” Stiles asked, snapping his hips forward just to hear Derek grunt, eyes flying open.


Stiles smiles, not a smirk, not anything cocky just a genuine happy smile ducking his head to meet Derek’s lips. Derek’s hands automatically grip at the base of Stiles’ necks trying to pull him in closer as he opens his mouth for Stiles. He runs his tongue into Stiles’ mouths, moaning into their shared breath as he feels Stiles gyrate his hips, back arched like it’ll plaster him and Stiles together.

Stiles pulls away from the kiss, repositioning himself so he’s better steadied before he starts to piston into Derek in earnest. He can tell when he starts to hit Derek’s prostate by the sobs falling out of Derek’s mouth, the grip he’s got on his own cock as he starts to jerk himself in a haste.

“Tell me when” Stiles grunts out, he’s got a grip on Derek’s calf over his shoulder, his nails digging in and leaving moon-shaped indents only to soon disappear.

“Stiles, fuck going to…”

And that’s the only warning Stiles needs as he sees Derek’s come start to spurt out of his cock, dribbling down Derek’s hands and cock and it’s enough for Stiles to quit holding out. He gives a few more thrusts, burying his cock deep in Derek’s ass and starts to come, whole body shaking. And Jesus, Stiles has forgotten how fucking amazing it feels to come, not to mention to come in Derek’s ass.

When Stiles pulls out, he flops on top of Derek letting Derek’s come rub into his skin. On most normal nights he’d say nope, not happening. He usually only allows Derek to give into his come smearing fetish on full moon nights, when Derek’s wolf wants to take over, but hey tonight is all about making up and what better way to get into Derek’s good books?

“God if I weren’t getting so old I’d be ready for round two” Stiles mumbled.

“Might as well take advantage of not having the kids in the house for the night” Derek chuckled, running his hand through Stiles’ hair - the one not covered in come.

Needless to say Derek’s glad to confirm that he and Stiles had made it through the seven year itch, and the makeup sex? Amazing.

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