Imagine Me & You

Nov 02, 2012 19:45

Title: Imagine Me & You
Summary: AU. In which Peter, Laura and Kate are all alive. Derek and Kate are getting married, Stiles works at the floral shop arranging the flowers for the wedding. Everything is not as it seems.
Warnings: Language, masturbation, mentions of Stiles/Original character(s)
Rating: Explicit 
Chapters: 1/?
Notes: No beta, so mistakes are mine. Also this is loosely based off of the movie Imagine Me & You, very loosely might I add. A major warning (that doesn't appear in the first chapter, but later ones) will be cheating. So if it's not your thing, don't read. 


Okay, so working at Meadowsweet Flower Shop isn’t the most exciting job, but it’s a job, they were hiring and that’s all that mattered to Stiles. It helped that his mother loved flowers and he used to help her out in the garden. Well, if you can consider making mud pies and trekking mud throughout the whole house helping. It also helped that old Miss Matilda Hollis owned the shop and was fond of Sheriff Stilinski and his late wife, and hired Stiles straight away without an interview.

The pay wasn’t fantastic, but money is money and Stiles had a shit heap of student loans to pay back and surprisingly enough there weren’t many jobs openings for anyone who specialised in mythology and folklore in or around Beacon Hills. Sure, he could expand his job search to other areas of California, but Stiles was sceptical to leave his father alone, especially as he was getting on in age (though you couldn’t tell Dave Stilinski that, otherwise he’d throw a fit far greater than that of 16 year old who didn’t get the latest Mercedes for their sweet 16th birthday party). Stiles had even gotten a teaching fellowship job in Oregon, to gain experience, save money and then eventually partake in a PhD course with an emphasis in Folklore. Unfortunately, Stiles turned down the job for multiple reasons, one being he was just too much of a daddy’s boy, or maybe really, Dave was too much of a Stiles’ man and functioned better with Stiles around. Not to mention Stiles was bummed about him (the one who shall not be named and Stiles should really forget about now). Besides Stiles didn’t need to make any hasty decisions about his future just yet, he was only 24.

“Ughh, sun why art thou outset today?” Stiles grumbled, bending over to retrieve the store keys he dropped trying to open the flower store for the day.

“Where are the clouds and torrential downpours? In the movies when someone has a shitty day it’s cloudy so that everyone is as miserable as I am” Stiles mumbled to himself as he made his way into the store, opening the curtains and flicking on the lights as he went.

“I don’t need people trying to brighten my day being all chipper, oh no sir-ee. I’m going to shit on their day. They’ll incur the wrath of Stiles” he continued on as he planted his ass down on the stool in front of the register, looking through the list of today’s orders that Miss Hollis had left behind yesterday.

Order #1 - Lucifer the Lizards’ Birthday Bonanza
Three dozen Lizard Orchids wrapped in black paper.
To be delivered at 18:30 at 1584 Spruce Lane to Earl Finnegan.

Earl? More like bat shit crazy Earl. Stiles thought as he flipped on to the next order.

Order #2 - Standing Order
Half dozen purple Hyacinths with box of mixed chocolates, typed card included;
To Constance
Love, Arthur.
To be delivered at 15:00 to the Harcourt residence.

Because nothing says I’m sorry for cheating on you with a scrawny drug-ridden and potentially underage stripper like a half dozen flowers and to top it all off chocolates to wallow in that will most definitely go straight  to the thighs.

Order #3 - Potential wedding floral arrangement for one Miss Kate Argent and one Mr Derek Hale at 12:00 noon.

Huh, Kate Argent, that’s the surname of Scott’s fiancée Allison, so they must be related. Not that Stiles has ever heard of Kate, which isn’t all that surprising considering Allison is kind of on the outs with her family at the minute, or more like the past few years. Allison’s parents didn’t approve of her dating Scott in high school but figured it was just a little high school crush, and that she’d outgrow Scott. Once it came to graduation and choosing a university to attend, Allison had been accepted to Brown, her father’s Alma Mater, so naturally it was expected she would go there too. She instead, chose to follow Scott and went to UCLA, while Scott went to the community college out there.

Derek Hale, on the other hand, Stiles had heard of. Who hadn’t if you’ve lived in Beacon Hills your entire life? The Hales’ had been a prominent family in Beacon Hills, but were more or less a reclusive family, much like the Finch Family in Running with Scissors, but probably not as fucking crazy. Stiles also remembered the house fire that had killed majority of the Hales’ save for Derek, his sister Laura and his uncle Peter. Soon after that, Derek and Laura apparently moved away and Peter went who-knows where. Guess Derek was back…

Great between bat-shit crazy Earl’s love for his lizard, Arthur’s fake love for his wife Constance and the elusive Derek Hale and Kate Argent’s wedding floral arrangements today was all about love, love, love, love. Stiles certainly isn’t about love these days, in fact he’s anti-love, like the anti-Christ basically anti-anything that involves fun.

If you’d asked Stiles a year ago, hell even six months ago he’d have told you he was all about love. He’d had a steady boyfriend who he’d been in a relationship with for three years. THREE YEARS; yes his attention span lasted that long and he didn’t drive the guy insane, completely. They’d met in university, dated, said the initial “I love you’s”, moved in and were supposed to live happily ever after… Turns out Robert had other plans.

He’d accepted a job in London as a financial advisor, without actually asking Stiles’ opinions or thoughts, because everyone knows Stiles has opinions and thoughts on everything. That left Stiles with the decision to follow the man he loved to London, and leave his father behind. To follow the man who hadn’t even bothered to mention his desires to leave the fucking country. Needless to say, Stiles chose to stay; as much as he’d probably have loved London and almost certainly would have said yes had Robert actually talked to Stiles first. He didn’t regret his decision though. Stiles sure as hell wasn’t happy about it, but he’d suck it up and be a man. Or hit up a gay bar and fuck the first good looking guy he could find, nothing like rebound sex to mend a broken heart, right?


For the next three hours Stiles worked non-stop filling in all the orders that came through from Miss. Hollis and telephone orders without so much as a break. All while listening to the same The Who album that Miss Hollis had in her CD player, he didn’t even realise when it hit 12:00.

“THEY COULDN’T STOP JACK OR THE WATERS LAPPING… LA LA LA LA LA LA… AND THEY COULDN’T PREVENT JACK FROM FEELING HAPPY… LA LA LA LA LA LA - oh shit. Hi!” Stiles screeched when he finally looked up to see Derek Hale and who he presumed was Kate Argent.

“Oh double fucking shit” Stiles complained, face bright red at the mess of the arrangement he had just made.

The arrangement he had just spent the last half hour pouring different layers of white, black and red sand to form the base of the centre piece he was making for Mrs Whittemore for one of her fancy charity events where entrance charges cost about a third of Stiles’ tuition.

“You must be Kate Argent” Stiles assumed making his way around the counter, extending his arm to shake hands.

“And you must be… Derek Hale” Stiles gulped extending his hand to Derek.

Derek looked at Stiles hand as if it were some sort of foreign object; poised to attack. Kate not so gently nudged Derek before he finally extended his own hand to shake Stiles lamely extended hand.

Right, this is not at all awkward. Stiles thought as his hand suddenly went clammy with Derek’s hand in his. Shit, this guy is fucking sexy, are those eyes even real, they totally have to be contacts.

“They’re real” Derek gritted out.

Oh, shit. Stiles had asked that aloud. Stiles could hardly blame himself though could he? Not when faced and at direct eye-level of someone of Derek’s stature. Taking into account his good looks, his dark hair that looked as if he spent hours fixing it to stand out at just the right angel, but in actuality he probably just rolled out of bed like that. Not Fair. Not to mention those eyes that seemed to be a mix of colours, that would look unnatural on anyone else, but on Derek they looked completely natural. That’s not to say that Kate wasn’t beautiful herself, but she was just a typical pretty girl with no outstanding features.

Stiles could still appreciate a gorgeous woman but since he slept with a Lydia Martin look-a-like (the girl of his childhood wet dreams) he realised that the whole vagina thing just didn’t do it for him, they actually kind of totally scared the shit out of him. He could handle penises though, he’s seen his own way more than ought to be normal, so he could most definitely handle seeing someone else’s, and well just doing more than seeing.

“So… Congrats on the wedding. Well, on the engagement I mean. Where’s the rock at?” Stiles asked as Kate extended her left hand, with a huge smile across her face, never getting tired of people asking to see her engagement ring.

“Wow that’s a big one!” Stiles whistled, letting go of Kate’s hand “Good work dude.” Stiles said in Derek’s direction, lifting his hand to fist pump Derek, who didn’t seem to catch on so Stiles sort of just fist pumped Derek’s chest. All that earned him was a raised eyebrow, so he quickly dropped his hand and looked down at his shoes trying to hide his embarrassment.

Who fist pumps a guy’s chest?

“So uh, flowers. That’s why you’re here! Did you have anything in mind, any colour schemes and types of flowers?”

“We’re getting married next spring! So I definitely want bright cheery colours. Derek here” Kate said, resting her hand on his chest “Would probably prefer black or grey, so dreary!”

“Come on dude grey? Black? It’s a wedding not a funeral!” Stiles scoffed, as everyone froze at the same time.

Shit. Definitely shouldn’t mention funerals to a guy who’s buried the majority of his family.

“Uhh kay, well why don’t you two follow me back to the planning room and we’ll have a look at colour schemes” Stiles gestured, as he made his way to the back of the store “Take a seat, please” Stiles indicated as he started hooking up the laptop to the projector.

“So potential colours?”

“What about soft pinks, whites, maybe some orange?” Kate asked, as Stiles inwardly cringed at the thought at the same time that Derek outwardly cringed.

Well hey, at least we had something in common Stiles thought, cheering to himself. Not that it should matter, it totally shouldn’t.

“Oo-kay, I’ll write that down on the potential list” Stiles lied “Derek? Any Suggestions?”

Derek, face blank stared at Stiles, as Stiles continued to return the stare at Derek eyes not faltering from Derek’s own until he got an answer. Stiles was not going to back down.

“I don’t know” Derek shrugged “White and red?”

“Oh no!” Stiles shrieked “You don’t want that, it stands for blood and bandages…. Unless that’s your thing of course?” Stiles asked as a blush crept up his face, as he instantly thought of sex, and kinky sex. Kinky sex with Derek that involved bandages, which might as well be bondage and what the fuck Stiles? He definitely shouldn’t be going down that dark road.

“Absolutely not” Kate said face scrunched up like she’d sucked on a lemon, or a mushroom, Stiles hated those.

“Why not try and find some mutual territory?” Stiles laughed “It’s often hard to find what both the groom and bride want when they attend these meetings. I’ve seen more than my fair share of scraps over flowers and colours, I feel like a therapist! Not that you’re in therapy, or need it but you know” Stiles shrugged, finally shutting his mouth.

“Yeah well… since it’s a spring wedding what about yellows and greens? More like a mint green though, leaning closer to pastel colours? That way it’s light, airy and feminine without being too girly, more understated?” Stiles asked as he put up different shades of green and yellow on the projector with pictures of different types of flowers.

“Oh wow! Those colours are gorgeous, I never thought of that!” Kate exclaimed “What do you think Der?”

“Yeah sure, whatever you prefer” Derek replied, trying to look somewhat interested.

“Perfect, let’s talk budget then, that’s always the awkward part.”

“Oh, my dad’s paying for it all, not to worry” Kate smirked.

Over the next forty-five minutes Stiles and Kate talked about flowers, different arrangements and how many to buy while Derek just grunted in response making minimal contributions. They were just wrapping up their meeting, scheduling another one for two weeks’ time to take a look at some actual arrangements and not pictures when Kate asked

“Are you gay Stiles?”

“Excuse me?” Stiles sputtered, looking up from Miss Hollis’ scheduling book as the same time Derek made a sound that sounded awfully close to choking on your own spit.

“Well you work in a flower shop, and I just got this vibe” she replied smiling.

Stiles didn’t think he gave off any gay vibes per se, sure he asked Scott to make out with him in high school, and asked Danny if he was attractive, but other than that everyone knew him as the boy pining after Lydia Martin. His dad didn’t even believe he was gay when he first told him; thought Stiles was just up to another one of his little jokes.

“Just because I work in a flower shop does not mean I’m gay!” mocked Stiles “But yes…” Stiles whispered blushing, and why the hell was he blushing? He’s grown a lot since his high school days, more comfortable with his sexuality and himself in general.

“Oooh, do you have a man?!”

“Ha no…” Stiles replied stuffing his hands in his pocket rocking back on his feet trying to end this conversation, he was so not telling them about Robert.

“What a shame” Kate replied pouting.

“Tell me about it. I’m bringing shame to the Stilinski household, not because I’m gay but because I can’t land a man. My dad’s even considering kicking me out, disowning me” Stiles joked.

“You live at home?” Derek asked as if he were trying to hide a smirk.

“Yeah… Student loans add up pretty quickly can’t exactly afford to live the life of luxury. My bathtub constitutes my indoor swimming pool and my laptop is my portable source of entertainment” Stiles babbled on.

“You know…” Kate said as a figurative light bulb lit up above her head like the fourth of July “I know this perfect guy you should meet, how about a double date? I can give him a call tonight”

For fuck sakes, seriously?

“I’m actually busy tonight, big lacrosse game that needs my excellent spectating skills” Stiles countered in what he hoped was an acceptable excuse.

“Oh no not tonight, plans with the girls” Kate continued “But…” and there it was that fucking light bulb again like it was the fourth of July, Christmas, Kwanza and New Year’s Eve “Derek was going to stay in tonight like the giant snore that he is. He’d love to join you”

“What?” questioned Stiles and Derek in unison.

“Here let’s exchange numbers” Kate said shoving her cell into Stiles’ hand “We can figure out a time for you two to meet up and we can arrange that double date.”

Stiles sensed that Kate was a woman used to getting what she wanted when she wanted. Which probably explains why he found himself reaching into his pocket to retrieve his cell so that Kate could add her number.


Once Kate and Derek left, Stiles felt like he could finally breath again and not risk embarrassing himself even more than he already has and land himself a nice full on panic attack. The rest of his shift went by pretty quickly and he found himself getting home to a house that smelled like Heaven.

“Oh hey Mrs McCall, what’ya cooking?”

“Stiles, really? You’re 24 it’s about time you call me Mellissa. I made lasagne and garlic bread, but don’t worry I used low-fat everything. No heart-attacks for Dave.”

“Or an expanding waistline” Stiles quipped as he tried to grab a piece of garlic bread only to have his hand slapped away.

“I’m about to dish up so sit your ass down, I’m on a late-night tonight” Mellissa explained as she set the dinner table.

Stiles didn’t know whether or not Mellissa and his dad were dating, he knew she came over a few nights a week to cook especially when he was away at college, or Dave went over to her house for dinner. Stiles didn’t really push for any more details than that because he didn’t want to know whether “dinner” was a metaphor for sex or not. He didn’t need that mental image, no matter how much he used to want him and Scott to be step-brothers when they were younger.

“Hey kiddo” Stiles dad said as he joined his son and Mellissa at the dinner table “How was work?”

“The usual” as Stiles spoke through a mouth full of lasagne “Might wanna keep your ears on the police radio tonight, bat shit crazy Earl is having a rager of a party for Lucifer tonight” Stiles deadpanned.

“The lizard?” Mellissa asked.

“The only and only”

Dave just sighed because this apparently was his life, talking about lizards and god knows what else.

“Any plans for tonight?”

“Actually yeah” Stiles spoke with a smug grin on his face, because lately his dad has been giving him shit for spending all his time at home rather than go out and do something and have an actual life now that he was single again “Going to the lacrosse game… with Derek” he added on to the end voice barely above a whisper.

“Derek?” his dad asked.

“Hale” Stiles nodded.

“I didn’t realise he was back in town… and that you were hanging out with him” Dave’s tone clearly concerned.

“Oh yeah he’s marrying Kate, Allison’s aunt. I guess that sort of makes her my in-law” Mellissa piped in.

“Yeah they had a meeting at the shop today” Stiles explained “And Kate sort of invited him along tonight… Anyway gotta go get ready” as Stiles hopped up from his seat placing his dishes in the sink trying to get away from this Derek Hale conversation.

“Thanks for dinner” Stiles added as he ran up the stairs, tripping on the last stair. Because yes, Stiles trips up the stairs.


From: Number Unknown

“Meet you at 7 in the parking lot”

Stiles read as he was about to hop in the shower, he had to assume that it was Derek so he quickly saved the number in his phone.

To: Derek

“Dude games at 7:45 meet you there at 7:30?”

From: Derek


Stiles looked at the time before he tossed his phone on the bed and ran for the shower. He needed to hurry up and get ready considering it was 6:50 and he had no idea what he was going to wear, not that he needed to impress Derek or anything. Then Stiles realised that he’s actually going to have to talk to Derek, and that just made him start sweating all over again once out of the shower, because the dude seemed like the quite type which meant that Stiles was probably going to have to hold up the conversation, and well those conversations take off on a tangent.



Stiles really did have every intention of arriving at Beacon Hills High on time, he really did. But he ended up changing his shirt two times trying not to sweat through them. When he pulled into the parking lot, he saw Derek leaning against his car sunglasses on arms crossed staring off into the distance like he didn’t give a fuck what was going on around him. Stiles pulled into the spot next to him and hopped out.

“Sorry I’m late man, lost track of time” Stiles lied as he made his way around the car.

“Hope you’re not late with your flower deliveries, bad reputation for future business. I’d hate for you to get fired, from a flower shop” Derek replied pushing off of his car heading towards the stands as Stiles tried to keep up with his fast pace.

“Are you making fun of my job? In addition to making fun of the fact that I live at home?” Stiles asked “Because let me tell you, that’s bullying and I’ll stand for no such thing! Didn’t you learn that in kindergarten along with sharing is caring?” Stiles joked.

Derek ignored him and kept walking.

“Bollinski! What the hell are you doing here? It can’t be to re-live your glory days on the lacrosse field, you never had any!” someone yelled at Stiles from the team bench, and oh yes it was coach Finstock the bastard was still teaching here!

“And you certainly haven’t been promoted to guidance counsellor have you? Always knew how to make a guy feel special” Stiles retorted as he made his way to the top of the bleachers. He knew better than to take Coach Finstock seriously, the guy was a joke and was never really serious about anything, and if Stiles was being honest with himself he knew that lacrosse was not his sport, nor was any sport really.

Stiles settled on the very top bleacher right on the end while Derek sat next to him propping his feet up on the bench in front of him so that no one could sit there. There were a few minutes left before the game was about to start and Stiles and Derek were sitting there awkwardly not saying a word. Stiles started making popping noises with his mouth as he drummed his hand on the side of the bleacher that he was leaning on, making the metal rattle.

He could have sworn that he heard Derek grumble about something, and he stilled immediately. It wasn’t the first time someone had pointed out that Stiles tended to make random noises to try and entertain himself.

“Sooo…” Stiles dragged out as Derek only turned his head slightly in Stiles general direction “How’d you and Kate meet?”

“Met her when she was visiting her brother in Beacon Hills” Derek answered, straight to the point.

“Oh Chris? That’s Allison’s dad! My best friend is engaged to her. Imagine if you two had a double wedding that would be pretty funny.”

Derek just nodded, big talker he was.

“How’d you two get engaged?” Stiles asked after he realised Derek wasn’t going to say much else.

“I asked” Derek shrugged.

“You don’t say?!” Stiles wisecracked “You mean to tell me she didn’t get down on one knee and beg you to marry her, make an honest woman out of her so you two could set off into the sunset with your guy’s perfect hair?”

No answer.

Stiles just sighed, resting elbows on his knee with his head in his hands as the game started; trying to pay attention and ignore the most un-talkative man he’d ever met, sitting beside him. Of course Stiles could only stay in awkward silence for so long before he had to say something, and right now he was just fed up and would rather sit alone than next to Derek.

“Listen dude, I know Kate sort of shoved you into coming here tonight. But I’m not some pathetic loser who needs a “friend” to come to this game. I was actually looking forward to just hanging out here by myself tonight, to get out of the house before my dad had a field day. So you know you can, scoot on out of here and we’ll pretend this was not a horrible fucking disaster. You know the whole, don’t mix business with pleasure. Not that this was at all pleasurable” Stiles ranted hands flying everywhere in Derek’s general direction.

Derek visibly tensed before he removed his sunglasses to rub at his eyes before he turned his gaze on Stiles and just stared. Stiles held eye contact for as long as he could before his thoughts wandered back to Derek’s eyes and how unreal they looked to him and also how sexy they were, he tore his gaze away blowing a puff of air out of his mouth.

“What did you study at university?” Derek asked quietly, and finally! He was trying to make conversation, and this was a start, Stiles could work with that.

“Mythology and Folklore at Berkley, I took my Masters there as well” Stiles responded.

Derek just kind of grunted in what Stiles thought was his version of a laugh “And what kind of job can you get with that?” Derek asked, and well he did have a point.

“Well I did have a teaching fellowship offer in Oregon before I went for my PhD, but I came back here for a while to spend time with my dad. Did you go to university?” Stiles shrugged.


“Oh, well then where did you go when you… left Beacon Hills?” Stiles didn’t really know how to ask that question, because it was pretty obvious Derek left because his family was killed, but you can’t throw that into a conversation, especially not when Derek was making an effort.

“New York. My sister knows a lot of people there. I stuck around for a few years before deciding to move back here” Derek answered.

“I bet she’s excited about the wedding” Stiles countered at the same time Derek snorted.

“Oh?” Stiles asked.

“They’re not a fan of each other, Kate and Laura” Derek answered, putting his sunglasses back on and okay it seemed like that line of questioning was over.

The rest of the lacrosse game went by in a lot less awkwardness than it had started out with. Stiles and Derek talked about little things, nothing too personal, but at least they were talking. They talked about New York, and Stiles’ degree in mythology. Even though Derek laughed at his degree, he seemed pretty interested in what sort of stuff Stiles learned and what were his main interests in folklore. Stiles had to admit he was surprised, when he told most people his interest in mythology they just laughed or had a quizzical look on their face, because that information only ever came up on board games, the ones everyone got wrong.

Stiles learned that Derek worked as a bouncer at some clubs in New York and he nearly fell off the bleachers laughing because he could totally picture Derek being a bouncer. Standing there all sullen and silent, giving people the death stare when they tried to use a fake ID. Stiles told him as much and he just grunted in response saying a job was a job, and free drinks on the house wasn’t a bad bonus either. Stiles couldn’t disagree with that logic. Not that getting free flowers was the same as free alcohol.

When the game was over Stiles and Derek were up and walking back towards their cars, settled back in their awkward silence, at least this time it wasn’t as bad as the beginning of the night.

“Well tonight was… Thanks for coming, even though you probably had better plans” Stiles said as he stood at the front of his jeep.

“No problem” Derek nodded.

“So… Night” Stiles said as he moved in closer to Derek for a hug, as Derek went rigid hands at his side, which left Stiles to sort of bump his chest against Derek’s and slapping his hand on Derek’s back. “Right bye” Stiles mumbled as he clambered into his car, starting the engine and speeding out of there as Derek just moved to stand at the door of his car watching Stiles drive away.

What the hell was that, Stiles? Fucking hugging a guy who could barely keep up his end of a conversation. Way to fucking go buddy, way to fucking go!

By the time Stiles got home and flopped face first onto his bed, his body temperature had settled back down to what was considered normal, no longer completely embarrassed by his attempt at a bro-hug with Derek. He groaned before turning over and removing his jeans and his shirt so that he was left in his boxers, contemplating if he really wanted to get his ass up from the bed to brush his teeth before he passed out.

Fuck it he thought.

He always made sure to brush his teeth before bed when him and Robert were dating in case you know in the mornings they decided to get a little morning sex in before class, but now that Stiles was blatantly single, he had no one to wake up to with fresh breath. One night wouldn’t kill him.

Stiles settled himself under the covers ready for a good night sleep before work the next day. Turns out his mind had other plans because he found himself rolling from one side to the other trying to shut his brain off and get some damn sleep. All he ended up doing was replaying the night he had with Derek over and over in his mind, his minor freak out at Derek for not wanting to be there, Derek actually making an effort to have a conversation and the fact that Derek actually seemed somewhat interested in Stiles degree, even if he did also find it slightly humorous.

Then Stiles mind wandered even earlier that night when he pulled into the high school parking lot and seeing Derek leaning against his car with a leather jacket, tight jeans and those fucking sunglasses. What was he some kind of bad boy gangster? All he really needed was a motorcycle and he’d be set. Not that his sleek black Camaro wasn’t working for him, because it totally was.

Stiles groaned when his mind wondered to the thought of getting fucked over the hood of that car, hell even getting in a little blow job in the car and in a heartbeat Stiles felt his cock starting to fill, becoming harder at his current thought process.

No, think of something anything else to get this boner to go away. Puppies, bat shit crazy Earl, Miss Hollis, and Coach Finstock!

Nope nothing did it, Stiles was still the occupant of a raging hard on that needed taking care of.

He threw his sheets off of him and on to the side as he wiggled out of his boxers, pulling them down far enough so that he could take his cock into his hand to give it a few quick tugs. He moaned at the first contact his cock has had in what feels like ages.

His mind wonders to Derek and his stubble that seems the perfect length to tickle as he ran his mouth all over Stiles, as they’re kissing, as he runs his mouth down Stiles’ chest, kissing every inch of his body.

His mind wonders to Derek’s eyes and what they’d look like when Derek’s on his knees in front of Stiles, Stiles’ cock in his mouth as he deep throats Stiles glancing up to gauge Stiles’ reaction.

Stiles grips his cock more firmly, gliding his hand up and down his length slowly, wanting to drag out his pending orgasm as he continues his thoughts of Derek and what it would be like for Stiles to be on his knees for Derek, or being in his car leaning over to give Derek a blow job in the front seat. Car sex was definitely something he wanted to cross off his to-do list; Robert was such a prude though.

He ran the tip of his thumb over the head of his cock and it sent a jolt through his whole body as his legs jerked and he pushed them farther apart as he slipped his other hand underneath to tease his hole, rubbing his finger over it. He had to muffle a moan into his arm at feeling the double sensation, but he quickly removed his hand from his tight hole not wanting to drag out the process any longer, he’d teased himself long enough.

He started to jerk his cock off with more force and at a quicker pace now, as he used his other hand to gently roll his balls in his hand before giving them a quick squeeze. That’s when he felt the sensation in his lower stomach of his impending orgasm, with one last swipe over the head of his cock he was coming, biting down on his lip so as not to wake his father sleeping down the hall.

Stiles pumped himself until he was no longer coming, and his cock had become too sensitive to touch anymore. He lazily cleaned himself off before pulling his boxers back on and rolling over, shutting his eyes cursing to himself.

He felt guilty and a little disappointed in himself to be thinking of someone’s fiancé like that, to get hard with his dirty thoughts, touch himself and have a pretty sweet orgasm, as sweet as they can go when you’re touching yourself.

He reached over to his night stand and turned on his iPod to play softly as he tried to fall asleep in hopes that the music would distract his thoughts.

Tomorrow was a new day and he was not going to think about Derek Hale like that anymore, he was straight and had a fiancé. Stiles just needed to move on, and fast.


Chapter 2|

stiles, stiles stilinski, teen wolf, au, derek hale, kate argent

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