No Expectations - Part 8.

Oct 17, 2012 17:25

Title: No Expectations 
Warnings: Underage, languag
Rating: NC17
Summary: Stiles avoids Derek as much as possible while still staying close to the pack. There's a Halloween Party too, with what else but a little drama?
Notes: No beta so mistakes are mine. Also this chapter is a lot longer than the other ones. I got a little out of control!

Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5| Part 6| Part 7|

Over the next few weeks Stiles deliberately avoided Derek at every available opportunity, while still maintaining the façade that he wasn’t completely miserable on the inside. He needed to be a big boy about the situation, considering he was the one that said everything should go back to normal, if that was even possible. So Stiles attended pack meetings, sat as far away from Derek as possible, jiggling his legs, listening to what everyone had to say, threw in a few of his own ideas and suggestions. All while trying to pretend he wasn’t completely freaking out in the inside, radiating uneasiness and a rapid heartbeat.

Scott had managed to apologise profusely, after Stiles decided to ignore him for a few days. He was surprised Scott even noticed considering all the time he spent with Allison. Stiles wouldn’t have put it past Scott and Allison that she was really the one that pushed Scott to apologise for being a complete ass. But he apologised and at the end of the day Scott and Stiles have been best friends for years; you don’t throw that out the window because someone can’t keep their mouth shut.

As soon as the pack meetings were over Stiles was up and out of there before anyone else, when he was normally the one lingering behind trying to spend a few minutes alone with Derek. Stiles could have sworn that a few times it looked as if Derek were about to say something, but Stiles didn’t stick around to see what he had to say, if he really did even have anything to say. Hell he could have been imaging it.

“Stiles! Wait a second. These heels do not go well with Derek’s lack of a driveway. In fact he should buy me a new pair” Lydia yelled out trailing behind Stiles as he made his way to his car.

“What’s up Lydia?” Stiles sighed sensing he wasn’t getting the fast escape that he’d planned.

“I need a ride home. Jackson was supposed to, but he has plans” Lydia replied shrugging.

Stiles gave her a “are you serious” look? Because Jackson was way too whipped to leave Lydia stranded at Derek’s house, meaning Lydia was up to something. When wasn’t she?

“So I was thinking we should find you a sexy someone” Lydia smirked, walking around to the passenger side of Stiles’ jeep.

Oh she was up to something alright. She said it loud enough so that everyone else could hear, including Derek inside of the house. Lydia was too smart to do something so stupid, she wanted Derek to hear, make him grovel for what he did to poor Stiles. So okay, maybe she doesn’t want to be with Stiles the way he wanted to all those years, but that didn’t mean she didn’t care for Stiles and wanted him happy. Even if it were someone as emotionally stunted as Derek.

Derek heard what Lydia said outside, fisting his hands at his side torn between wanting to hear what Stiles had to say, and wanting to get the hell out of earshot and away from the teenage drama. He opted for the second, heading out the back door of his house, and going for a run in the woods. Try and clear his head or at least tire himself out enough to pass out once he got home. That’d take hours though.

“Lydia, I hardly think me getting with anyone right now is a good idea. Let alone actually being able to find me someone” Stiles replied getting into his jeep, starting the engine.

“Oh I’m not saying we’re going to get you with anyone per se, sweetie. I’m just saying we find someone sexy enough to make Derek jealous. I know some people, I can make a call” Lydia replied grinning to herself as she applied her lip gloss in the side view mirror.

“As much as I love that evil genius brain of yours, I prefer and usually whole-heartedly go along with your plans so long as they don’t include me” Stiles sighed.

“But this is genius. He’ll come crawling back in no time”.

“That’s not my style Lydia. Okay, I don’t really even have a style, but making Derek jealous just seems petty. If he doesn’t want me on his own, without the threat of someone else, then I don’t want to be with him at all”.

“Oh you really are new to this whole dating concept. Just think about it, it’ll work wonders and if not, you might actually like the person and you can move on and quit your moping”.

“I am not moping around!” Stiles scoffed pulling onto Lydia’s street.

“Stiles. What are we going to do with you” Lydia whispered patting her hand on Stiles arm. “Well, thanks for the ride. Remember what I said, think about it” as she sauntered to her front door.

There really wasn’t much to think about. Sure Stiles was in high school, but he didn’t want to act like some high school brat who threw a tantrum and resorted to high school tactics to get Derek. Hell he wasn’t even supposed to want Derek, so why would he need to make him jealous?


“Derek has gone mad” Isaac whined one day in science class.

“What do you mean?” Stiles asked.

“He means he’s been pushing all of us really hard. Way too hard. With all this sparring, and breaking bones and shit” Erica said from behind them. “I really can’t take much more of this”.

“He’s even had us out all night most nights. I’m falling way behind in classes” Boyd added.

“Huh. Well you guys can all come over tonight if you want. Study session, junk food maybe a movie?” Stiles asked.

“Sounds good” Isaac said smiling “I really don’t want to go back to Derek’s after school”.

“I’m in” Erica and Boyd answered.

That night found the whole pack, well minus Derek over at Stiles’ house. Hell even Jackson was there and not being a complete dickwad. Their initial plan had been to get some homework done, but that lasted all of about ten minutes before they were lounging in front of the TV flipping through channels and just talking about random stuff.

Stiles being the nice friend that he is, baked freshly made cookies thanks to his moms recipe, he even made sure to hide some for his dad, as a little treat when he got home in a few hours.

As they had just made their way through all the cookies (Stiles should have known better to bake more than a couple dozen, for a group of werewolves) Isaacs’s cell started ringing.

“It’s Derek” Isaac said looking frantic at his phone.

“Ignore it” Stiles replied.

“Are you crazy? He’ll most likely rip me apart if I don’t. Suppose it’s an emergency?” Isaac replied starting to look worried, like he was about to shit his pants.

“Give me the damn phone” Stiles said snatching it out of his hands “Sorry to break it to you Sour wolf, but the pack has other plans tonight. You know, one that doesn’t involve you breaking all their bones in half. Try again another time” Stiles said before hanging up with a smug look on his face.

“Oh feisty Stiles! Now this I like” Lydia purred patting her hand on Stiles’ thigh, much to Jackson’s dismay.

“Let’s just hope he doesn’t barge in here and kill me, and then all of you.” Stiles shrugged. “I at least hope you guys will try and fight him, fight for my honour and all because I’ve just saved you all from a night of sparring or whatever barbaric plans he had for you”

“You got it” Erica smiled snatching the remote out of Scott’s hands.

Surprisingly enough Derek didn’t come in all guns blazing, or rather all wolfed and fanged out and Stiles had a nice normal night with a bunch of friends without any supernatural drama.


It was nearing the end of October nearly a month since Stiles and Derek ended their fuck-a-thon and Stiles was slowly but surely getting back to normal, well as normal as Stiles could be.

“We’ve all got plans for this Halloween, and no one is backing out” Lydia announced, sitting down at the lunch table.

“I’m game, what is it?” Danny asked, because if anyone was going to have a good idea about what to do for Halloween it was going to be Lydia.

“There’s this club, next town over that’s all ages, well for the night anyways. Over 21s get a stamp so they can buy alcohol. Get your fake ID’S out! It’s costume, so those of you with no ID’S dress sexy and get those older boys, or girls to buy you your drinks” Lydia said winking at Danny.

Everyone seemed pretty enthusiastic about the plan, getting out of Beacon Hills for the night, away from the usual high school crowd and a chance to party, well except for Stiles who just groaned.

“I was just gonna stay home, hand out the candy. My dad’s on call considering it’s one of the busiest nights for cops”

“Aww come on man” Scott whined “Everyone’s going you’ve gotta come”.

“Not everyone” Isaac countered, referring to Derek who obviously didn’t want to spend the night at a club with a bunch of teens trying to get drunk in slutty costumes.

“Stiles I was thinking you could be Batman, I was gonna dress up as Cat Woman” Erica winked in Stiles direction.

“Ugh Lydia, is this part of your make Derek jealous plan? I told you it’s not what I wanted”.

“As much as I think you’re an idiot for not listening to me, I respect what you said. No make Derek jealous plan has been put into effect” Lydia pouted.

“Besides” Erica quipped “There’s no way Derek would be jealous of me considering I’m part of his pack. If I were to actually hit on you, he’d rip me in half, only because he had you first. I just thought it would be a fun idea” Erica shrugged.

“Humph. Fine, I’ll go only because I know you guys won’t shut up about it. No one better fucking leave me in a corner so you guys can hook up with someone else, or I’m out of there” Stiles sighed giving in to the inevitable peer pressures of high school.


Halloween night found Stiles actually dressed as Batman, bounding down the stairs to pick up Erica. He had to admit he was kind of looking forward to it now, spending time with his friends (which evidently included Erica, Isaac and Boyd now, hell even Lydia and sort of Jackson). He just hoped that he could make it through the night without Erica knocking him out and/or dismantling his car, because really that’s just a way to ruin a night.

“Son? I know you’re going out to a club tonight, one that will be serving alcohol and even though you are underage” the Sheriff emphasized “I hope you have a good time and you’re responsible enough not to drink any alcohol. I’d hate to have to ground you until you graduate”.

“I know dad! Believe me I’m not going to be drinking tonight” Stiles promised.

He really did intend to keep his promise to his father. Sure he’d had a few drinks before, in the forest with Scott where he got a little too drunk, and a few drinks at some parties that he’d actually been invited to. But he didn’t even really like the taste of alcohol, he sure as hell didn’t like the hangovers and he’d seen how alcohol had affected his father, he certainly had no desire to end up like that. Looks like tonight is going to be a night of downing Dr Pepper’s.

“Now I swear if any of you guys ditch me tonight I will throw a tantrum like a 10 year old girl, pulling my pigtails and all” grumbled Stiles as he got out of the car at the club.

“Relax Stiles, tonight is gonna be amazing” Erica beamed, linking her arms through Stiles as they made their way to the entrance where the rest of the gang was already waiting.

“About time!” Lydia exclaimed “Come on, we don’t need to wait in line. Pays to know the bouncer” Lydia smirked as they all made their way into the club after getting their hands stamped blue, indicating they were underage.


So it probably lasted all of an hour and half before Stiles was left alone as everyone made their way to the dance floor. Scott paired with Allison, Lydia with Jackson and some other dude (really?), Danny and some really sexy guy, Isaac and some girl and Erica and Boyd.

He had just downed his third Dr Pepper before some random man approached him.

“Jason” was all he said smiling.

“Okay…” Stiles said eyeing the guy like he was some creep; well he kind of was wasn’t he? Thought he was also kind of cute, but so not the point.

“Just thought I’d say hi, saw you staring at those guys over there” Jason said nodding his head towards Danny and his sexy dance partner “Got it bad for one of them? Or both?” he asked.

“Ha, Danny? No, he’s my friend. Just a friend. Actually I was just thinking how much I hate all my friends right about now though” Stiles replied spinning his empty glass on the table.

“Well how about I buy you another drink? Wait here and I’ll go get it, what are you having?” Jason asked with his best flirtatious smile.

“Umm, no it’s okay thanks” Stiles said, trying to catch one of his friends eyes, because hello they should be saving him right about now.

Jason just laughed “It’s just a drink, come on. You look bored out of your mind; I’ll keep you entertained until your friends come back. What’s your name?”

Stile sighed; he figured talking to this guy would be alright for now. If he were some kind of rapist predator it’s not like he was going to attack in the middle of a busy club, his friends if they knew what was good for them, would at least keep an eye out.

“Stiles. My name’s Stiles and I’ll have a Dr Pepper thanks. But I’m coming with you, before you try and roofie me. I’m not that stupid, who wouldn’t want to get with all of this? Not that you will be.” Stiles quipped getting up from the table and making his way to the bar with Jason.

Jason just laughed “I assure you I’m not going to roofie you. I have a little more class than that. I’m actually studying law at the local university” Jason replied before ordering his and Stiles’ drinks.

“Thanks” Stiles said about to take a drink, before it was efficiently snatched out of his hands.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Derek hissed “Get out of here. Now” Derek said turning to Jason.

Jason just looked between Derek’s angry face and Stiles clearly shocked face who also seemed to be uncomfortable with the presence of this new guy.

“Uh Stiles, you okay?” Jason asked.

“He’s fine. Leave.” Derek demanded moving closer to Jason.

“T-totally fine” Stiles stuttered “Thanks for the drink” since he really didn’t know what else to say.

Jason just nodded his head before walking away mumbling about obsessive boyfriends.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” Derek yelled “He could have put something in your drink. You don’t just fucking accept drink from random people Stiles”.

“No shit Sherlock. Why do you think I came up to the bar with him? He couldn’t have slipped something in there with me standing right here” Stiles exclaimed trying to snatch the drink out of Derek’s hand “And what the fuck are you even doing here? They said you weren’t coming”.

“You think I was just going to let my pack go to a club?”

“Uh considering you’re not their parents or a fucking babysitter, I’d say yeah dude. Besides I can’t actually picture you dancing, maybe a bouncer standing outside all broody.”

“They’re my pack. I’m responsible for them”

“Great then go look after your pack and leave me alone. Wouldn’t want to ruin your reputation being seen in public with me” Stiles said trying to turn away.

“Stiles” Derek said gripping Stiles arm not letting him move.

“Unless you want me to scream like a little girl and cause a scene in this whole club, and really you shouldn’t put it past me then I suggest you let go of my fucking arm” Stiles said tugging on his restraint arm.

“Not until we talk. Who do you think you are taking over my pack when I try and get in contact with them?” Derek demanded obviously referring to a few weeks ago when Stiles had them over at his house.

“Uh it’s called they needed a night to themselves. And not have you torturing them for your sadistic pleasures” Stiles yelled.

“They’re my pack Stiles. It’s called training; you’d know that if you were a werewolf.”

“Well excuse me for being human. Besides it seems like I care more for the welfare of your pack than you do Derek. You don’t need to train them 24/7; they’re still teenagers not in the fucking military. If I care about your pack more than you, than that’s really saying something about you” Stiles shouted, finally shaking himself free of Derek’s grasp.

Derek just stood there stunned as Stiles made his way towards Scott on the dance floor telling him he was out of there and if him or someone else could give Erica a ride home.

Stiles was fuming all the way home, ranting to himself about how unbelievable Derek had been and he sure as hell didn’t feel sorry for what he said.

So much for taking the high road and so much for being an awesome night.


Part 9|

stiles, stiles stilinski, sterek, teen wolf, derek hale

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