Jan 07, 2003 23:19
Thief Ichimi: (Do I gotta post?)
Heartful Spirit: [] ...At least it ain't a Karaoke Machine. []
Heartful Spirit: [] Can if you want. []
Thief Ichimi: (Ya'll continue. e_e I think Rikku shall be put in hibernation.)
Heartful Spirit: [] @-@; ::Is about to make Yuna run off again.:: []
Thief Ichimi: (-Would laugh at Yuna-)
Thief Ichimi: (-New entry-)
Heartful Spirit: [] ...@-@; Gavan would make it all better. []
Thief Ichimi: (>>........................................)
Heartful Spirit: [] Gavan> Don't cry...::Comforts Yuna.:: []
Heartful Spirit: [] Yuna> ::Cries:: []
Heartful Spirit: [] Gavan> It's gonna be okay...::hugs. ...grabs ass in process.:: []
Thief Ichimi: (Rikku> Yea Yuna don't cry. -picks food from teeth-)
Heartful Spirit: [] Yuna> ... []
Heartful Spirit: [] Gavan> ;D ... []
Spirtual Body: || Jordan> ::Stares at Yuna:: *-*
Spirtual Body: ||*
Heartful Spirit: [] Yuna> ::kills self.:: []
Heartful Spirit: [] Gavan> ...aaww. ...damn. ...Ah well, I'll give 'er a nice burial at sea. ::tosses into ocean.:: []
Thief Ichimi: (-Motoko snaps and growls-)
Spirtual Body: || Jordan> Sorry.. ._.;; ||
Heartful Spirit: [] Aren> ...@-@; ::Appears out of no where.:: []
OnlineHost: Niinjette has entered the room.
Thief Ichimi: (REz> -clings-)
Heartful Spirit: [] Aren> ...::No clue where he is.:: []
Thief Ichimi: (Rez>Where have you been, dead man?)
Heartful Spirit: [] Aren> ... |||.x\\ Being...dead...I guess. []
Heartful Spirit: [] Lavi> ::New Al Bhed dude. Kicks Gavan into ocean.:: []
Thief Ichimi: (Moto>-Stares at Jordan with that seducing look- Hello.)
Heartful Spirit: [] Gavan> ...whee...!! ::falls into ocean.:: []
Spirtual Body: || Jordan> ::Nervous:: >>;;;;;;; ||
OnlineHost: Niinjette has left the room.
Heartful Spirit: [] Lavi> ...e-e; ::Sexy voice.:: ......Yccruma. []
Thief Ichimi: Moto>-Grins and blows a kiss- See ya at school, hottie?)
Heartful Spirit: [] Kei> ::Not so innocent anymore.:: []
Spirtual Body: || Kikoru> ::Pats Jordan on the back:: xD ||
Heartful Spirit: [] Raven> ::clings to Lavi's leg.:: *-* []
Spirtual Body: || Jordan> Er..Uh.... x-x;;;; ||
Heartful Spirit: [] ::RPs with herself for the most part.:: []
Thief Ichimi: (Moto>-Stares at Kikoru.- Who you?)
Spirtual Body: || Liz post.. >> ||
Heartful Spirit: [] Lavi> ::drags her around.:: []
Spirtual Body: || Kikoru> An Al Bhed Psyche... o-o;; ||
OnlineHost: Ladtfeather has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Ladtfeather has left the room.
Thief Ichimi: (Moto>................You're pretty okay........)
Thief Ichimi: (Moto>-pokes his tummy-)
Heartful Spirit: [] Lavi> ...::looks at Moto and co. ...Sexy glare with "emeraldized swirls" (copyright by Ave.) []
Thief Ichimi: (XD)