Title: Baby, this ain't nothing but a thing - Chapter six
Rating: R
Pairing: Mainly: Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi and Yesung/Ryeowook. With a side of: Eunhyuk/Donghae, Kangin/Leeteuk, Heechul/Han Geng. With a view towards Sungmin/Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi and eventually there will be some Henry/Kibum \o/
Warnings: Sexual situations, sexual innuendo, voyeurism, bad language and some violence
Word count: This chapter = 4, 679 *sobs* so long
Summary: Team White and Team Black have been pitting themselves against each other for years. They've become too wrapped up in this Spy vs Spy game, too wrapped up in thir own dispute to see the bigger picture. Enter the shadowy Team Grey who have their own agenda and their own way of getting things done.
A/N: In which Super Junior are all Spies and they kind of fail at it. Spy vs Spy AU.
Character profiles Who is in what team |
Chapter one |
Chapter two |
Chapter three |
Chapter four |
Chapter five Chapter six
“You’re getting leaves everywhere.” Zhou Mi grumbled.
Kibum didn’t answer him. Kibum hadn’t spoken to him since he’d regained consciousness and had been able to tell the tale of Team Grey’s attack. Then Kibum had settled in for a good long sulk. He was sulking because someone had managed to get the drop on him. On him. On the mighty and fearless Kibum. Now Kibum was sat, arms folded, determinedly looking out of the passenger window, his lip stuck out in an adorable little pout that made him look all of twelve. Kibum had--thankfully--managed to get all the leaves off his face, he’d said something about water soluble glue. Zhou Mi thought that it sounded kind of gross and nasty and he didn’t want it coming anywhere near him, just the thought of having that stuff stuck to him made his face itch.
Still, Kibum did look cute when he pouted. If Zhou Mi wasn’t so worried about Kyuhyun he would find it funny.
“And I don’t even want to know why you are naked under all that get up.” Zhou Mi continued. He was just talking now, spouting words to fill up the silence. He hated driving in silence, but Kibum kept making this strange growling noise whenever Zhou Mi went to turn on the stereo.
“You don’t have to come you know.” Zhou Mi said. And really, Kibum didn’t. Zhou Mi would be perfectly fine walking into a den of evil spies…wait, Team Black were the evil spies. So that would make Team Grey eviler spies? Maybe. But then did that make Team White the good guys? Zhou Mi didn’t like to think about it all too much, it made his head hurt.
The point was that Zhou Mi would be fine, totally and completely fine. He did have the fleeting thought that he should go back to Team Black HQ and maybe get back up. And while he was there he should probably get everyone’s phone numbers instead of always relying on Heechul’s spy gadgets, the ones that Zhou Mi was prone to leaving around and then losing. Kibum had their phone numbers but only because the little ear piece transmitters didn’t transmit all the way to Yemen or Timbuktu--or wherever else Kibum happened to be. Zhou Mi didn’t go back to HQ because, well, he was essentially embarking on a mission to rescue a member of Team white and he wasn’t sure that Heechul would approve. Heechul never approved of anything unless there was something in it for him--like sex, and this was purely a mission of mercy. Totally and completely.
“I’m going to kill them.” Kibum said after a few more silent minutes. His voice was so casually calm that he might have been talking about the weather. “I am going to rip them to pieces, tear them apart and use their entrails for a skipping rope.”
“Oh…kay.” Zhou Mi said very, very slowly. He made a mental note for future reference, never knock Kibum unconscious. Ever. For any reason. Ever.
Zhou Mi thought it best just to drive and not to try and talk to Kibum for a while.
The transmitter on the dashboard beeped, the signal from the bug he’d planted on Kyuhyun was getting stronger. He’d hooked the transmitter up to his Sat Nav system and now it was showing a definite location.
“He’s there.” Zhou Mi said. Said more to himself than to Kibum. “Let’s go!”
“Wow.” Zhou Mi said half in wonderment half in confusion as he surveyed Team Grey’s HQ. At least he assumed this was Team Grey’s HQ, the transmitter told him that this was where Kyuhyun was, so it was good bet that this was indeed Grey territory. “This is…”
“Low rent.” Kibum finished for him.
Zhou Mi shook his head, clearly this was a team that had no shame. Either that or they had spent all their budget on importing spies from Canada. Who knew what nefarious things these people were doing to poor Kyuhyun inside this ‘building’.
“Ok.” Zhou Mi said with determination. “Let’s go.”
“Wait.” Kibum, said. He reached out and grabbed at Zhou Mi’s arm, the jerky movement made part of Kibum’s costume slip, exposing a smooth, pale shoulder. Kibum sighed and pulled it back up, shedding more leaves as he did so. “Wait. Do you have any kind of plan at all? You can’t just go barging in there.”
“I wasn’t going to barge, I was going to sneak. You know, sneaky sneaky.”
Kibum sighed again, he rolled his eyes.
“How about this.” Kibum said, his tone ever so slightly condescending. “You sneak that way,” Kibum pointed off to the right. “And I’ll sneak that way.” Kibum pointed off to the left. “I’ll create a distraction and take out any of Team Grey that get in my way.”
“And by take out you mean…”
Kibum just looked at him, one eyebrow raised.
“Right, yes.” Zhou Mi conceded. “Rip, tear, entrails as a skipping rope. I got it.”
Zhou Mi shuddered as he watched Kibum leave, a trail of leaves scattered in his wake. Kibum’s costume was slowly disintegrating.
Zhou Mi wasn’t sure he liked Kibum, but right now Kibum was all he had and Zhou Mi, Zhou Mi had some rescuing to do.
Sneaking, Zhou Mi had to concede, was never his strong suit. Though to be fair it was hard to sneak anywhere around in this crumbling, tumbling down building. Every step he took something creaked, something that he was pretty sure wasn’t him…he wasn’t that rusty. It was eerie, this place, it was all dirty and creaking and wrong, Zhou Mi was just imagining that his soft footsteps sounded louder than they were, he was. He stepped carefully, there were layers upon layers of dust, most of it already disturbed by the footfalls of Team Grey. Zhou Mi tried to match their footprints, tried not to make too many of his own.
He heard other footsteps, loud and purposeful. The floor above him creaked and then there was the heavy clunk of someone stomping down some stairs. Zhou Mi had barely a second to flatten himself to the wall, try to make himself as small as he could, and since he wasn’t exactly small to start with it was very, very hard. He managed to hide himself in a gap between a pair of rickety old bookcases and he tried very hard not to shudder at the thought of all the dust and grime now collecting on his suit.
He held his breath as someone walked by him. Zhou Mi immediately recognised the young man as the one from the photo Kibum had showed him--The Canadian. Even now, here in the flesh, he didn’t look like much of a threat, he was kind of small and almost unbearably cute. Zhou Mi had the fleeting thought that he should jump out now, catch the kid unaware, take him out. It would be one less member of Team Grey to worry about. Zhou Mi was about to make his move, he was…but the kid stopped, turned slowly and looked around like he sensed there was someone there, someone there watching him. Zhou Mi tried to press his back against the wall, tried to will himself to disappear. There was something in the kids eyes, something cold, scary. Something merciless. The Canadian didn’t look like he was armed, but then violin strings weren’t exactly hard to conceal. The Canadian frowned and moved away, a slow, steady retreat. He prowled away, his movements almost feline, a hunter off to look for his prey. The Canadian headed off towards the front of the building, to the place where Zhou Mi had last seen Kibum. Zhou Mi hoped that Kibum was a strong enough tree to be able to take care of himself. Though given Kibum’s whole ‘rip, tear, entrails’ speech Zhou Mi felt almost sorry for The Canadian.
Zhou Mi had to leave his transmitter in the car. It wouldn’t be all that much help in pinpointing Kyuhyun’s location inside this base. It would beep louder the closer Zhou Mi got to him and since Zhou Mi was supposed to be sneaking a loud beeping noise would be very detrimental. So he was having to rely on faith and blind luck when it came to finding the fair maiden--not that Zhou Mi would ever tell Kyuhyun that he’d referred to him as the fair maiden, or the damsel in distress even if that referral had only been in his head.
Logic dictated that The Canadian had to have come from somewhere, so that somewhere would be a good enough place to start looking. Zhou Mi peaked out from behind his old bookcase and--seeing no one--decided to pick his way up the stairs following where he thought The Canadian might have come from.
Almost immediately he had to hide himself again because someone else stomped purposefully down the stairs. This time it was a larger guy, he was mumbling and grumbling things Zhou Mi wasn’t sure he wanted or needed to know about.
So, that was two members of Team Grey. Zhou Mi thought he was safe in assuming that there was five of them, where were the other three? With Kyuhyun maybe? Zhou Mi had to find him.
At the top of the stairs there was a long corridor, it stretched off to both the left and right, at the end of each corridor there was a turning and god only knew where those led to. This place was like one giant broken maze, Zhou Mi had to concede that maybe it was kind of brilliant…in a really disgusting and dirty way. There was no alarm system here, Zhou Mi was able to walk around undetected. Obviously Team Grey didn’t think they needed any security since any and all intruders who ventured in here would likely get lost and never find their way back out. Zhou Mi had a flash of an image where Kibum found his dust covered skeleton crammed between the two bookcases where he had been hiding. Though in Zhou Mi’s morbid little imaginings Kibum had managed to find some proper clothes.
The floorboards under his feet moaned wearily as he walked and Zhou Mi winced with every step. He had to look in every room he passed, at this rate finding Kyuhyun was going to take time, too much time. And, Zhou Mi had no real idea which direction The Canadian or the other member of Team Grey had come from.
Zhou Mi sighed quietly, he rubbed at his eyes--all the dust was making them itch.
“Kui Xian.” Zhou Mi said, his voice barely a whisper. The Chinese name just slipped out of him, the word felt good on his tongue, when he said Kyuhyun he sounded almost like he was coughing up phlegm. Not the most romantic of things. “Kui Xian, where are you?”
After what felt like an age he rounded another corner and ended up somewhere near where he started, at least he thought he did. It vaguely looked like the same stairwell, the same termite infested bookcases. He breathed a sigh of relief at the almost familiar surroundings--he knew where the exit was from here, the exit was good. He would find Kyuhyun and they would both get to that exit together.
Then he heard footsteps again, this place was like Beijing Train Station there was that much activity. Once again he squeezed himself between the bookcases, he managed to get himself hidden just before The Canadian came stalking passed him again. The kid was carrying an axe now. Zhou Mi was very, very sure that he didn’t want to know where the axe had come from and just what The Canadian was planning on doing with it.
Zhou Mi waited a minute to give the kid a head start before following him, hoping he would be lead to what he had come here for.
“Hold on, Kui Xian. I’m coming.”
Zhou Mi watched the three men leave the room at the end of the hall. Kyuhyun had to be behind that door, Zhou Mi was sure of it. Three of Team Grey were leaving to find the intruders, the large one Zhou Mi had seen earlier was no where in sight which left one more member of Team Grey unaccounted for. Zhou Mi thought he might have been left behind, someone had to stay and guard the hostage.
Zhou Mi could handle one man, no problem.
Zhou Mi took a deep breath. He checked to make sure that his gun was in its holster and hidden by his suit jacket. Zhou Mi wasn’t going to pull it now, protocol stated that he should enter every situation armed and at the ready, But Zhou Mi didn’t like guns. Being perfectly proficient with something didn’t mean you had to like them. He checked to make sure his weapon was secure in case he needed it later, he’d found that guns were also useful for hitting people on the head with, there was an almost 100% knock out rate.
His heart thudded in his chest as the door quietly creaked open, it was so loud that Zhou Mi was sure that everyone within a hundred mile radius could hear it. At first he couldn’t see anything, but that was maybe because he had his eyes squeezed shut. When he opened his eyes he saw Kyuhyun strapped down to a chair, Kyuhyun’s clothes were in disarray, his shirt sodden with sweat, he was panting hard, he looked like he was in pain.
Kyuhyun. Oh god.
Kyuhyun’s shout of warning made absolutely no sense at all but Zhou Mi did look up in time to see a grey blur whirling towards him and he lashed out with his hands, half in defence and half in attack and it was pure luck that he managed to hit his assailant before his assailant really hit him. Once he was sure that the guy was down then Zhou Mi could turn his attention to Kyuhyun.
“Kui Xian!” Zhou Mi exclaimed. Kui Xian, are you ok? What have they done to you?”
Kyuhyun mumbled something in response, his words were hesitant, slurred, Zhou Mi was sure he’d been drugged. But with what and why? Kneeling by Kyuhyun’s side Zhou Mi felt for his pulse, it was erratic but slow, not good. Still, being that close to Kyuhyun’s crotch area Zhou Mi couldn’t help but notice that Kyuhyun had another little--or not so little, apparently--problem.
“Oh.” Zhou Mi breathed out the word, his eyes fixed on Kyuhyun’s groin. “Oh…right.”
Kyuhyun moaned and tried to double over but his bonds prevented him from moving far. Zhou Mi managed to snap out of his dick induced trance then, he remembered that he was in the middle of something quite important.
“Shh, it’s ok, Kui Xian. I’m going to get you out of here.” Zhou Mi said as he started untying the ropes binding Kyuhyun to the chair. Damn, these things were done up tight.
Kyuhyun’s response was incomprehensible, but it didn’t matter right now. What mattered was getting Kyuhyun out of here and getting him somewhere safe where Zhou Mi could take care of him. No, wait, Zhou Mi should get Kyuhyun back to his team so they could take care of him. Zhou Mi shouldn’t be getting any closer than he already was.
“Calm down, Kui Xian.” Zhou Mi said in what he hoped was a calming way. “It’ll be ok.”
Zhou Mi heard the movement behind him and he turned.
“You!” The newly awakened Team Grey agent spat. “I am going to break your face!”
Zhou Mi tried to get up, tried to put up some kind of defence, but he didn’t have time. The agent of Grey lunged at him, grabbing him about the waist, and together they went rolling across the floor.
As he tumbled, Zhou Mi thought he heard Kyuhyun say something that sounded like “But his face is too pretty to break.” But that could have just been Zhou Mi’s own wishful thinking. Zhou Mi heard the soft clinks of something skittering across the floor, the Grey agent had a weapon and now he’d lost it.
The Grey agent managed to find his feet first and it was all Zhou Mi could do to get his arms over his head to try and protect himself. Pain lanced down his back, pain from hard kicks and punches. Zhou Mi hadn’t got much of a look at the guy before he jumped him, but Zhou Mi knew that Grey wasn’t all that big, he was strong and he was fast, though, and he was kicking Zhou Mi’s ass. Zhou Mi had only one chance, when the Grey agent stepped a little closer Zhou Mi was able to swing out his right leg, sweeping Agent Grey off his feet. Zhou Mi only had a split seconds grace to get himself up and into a fighting stance before Grey was up and at him again.
Dimly--as he dodged several well aimed round house kicks--Zhou Mi heard Kyuhyun’s frantic cry. Zhou Mi looked over at him, Kyuhyun was fumbling at the ropes still holding him to the chair. Zhou Mi had managed to get one of his hands free and now Kyuhyun was working on the other. Zhou Mi’s momentary distraction was enough for the Grey agent to fully get the drop on him. A perfectly placed punch to his jaw sent Zhou Mi sprawling, the world around him spun violently, he saw stars, he saw pretty, pretty lights, then he saw the Grey agent looming above him. Now, now would be a good time to pull his gun--if only he could remember how his arms worked.
Grey leaned in towards him, Zhou Mi fumbled for his weapon but his fingers felt numb and he couldn’t grab the butt. The Grey agent grabbed at Zhou Mi’s hair, apparently he was foregoing the fancy martial arts in favour of a good old cat fight.
“No!” Zhou Mi screeched. “Not the hair!”
The Grey agent ignored him, instead he pulled Zhou Mi’s hair and he pulled hard. Zhou Mi grabbed the man’s wrist in a vain effort not to have any of his hair pulled out by the roots. It was a painful tug of war that lasted for a few minutes before Grey suddenly loosened his grip and was pulled backwards. Zhou Mi still had hold of the agents wrists and he found himself pulled along too. Zhou Mi let go of the Grey agent. The Grey agent let go of Zhou Mi’s hair.
Zhou Mi fell back onto his ass.
“Oww.” Zhou Mi muttered. He looked up then. Looked up to see Kyuhyun standing there, ropes still trailing from his wrists. Kyuhyun had a firm hold of the Grey agents hair and a knife pressed to his throat. Where had he gotten a knife from? Zhou Mi started to wonder and then he was distracted by another fact.
“Kui Xian!” Zhou Mi said happily. “You’re ok!”
Kyuhyun nodded slowly, he managed something that looked like a weak smile, he swayed a little--seemingly unsteady on his feet. And then Kyuhyun fell down, the knife clattered over the ground.
“Kui Xian!”
Zhou Mi scrambled to his feet, violently pushing passed the Grey agent in his rush to get to Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun was pale, too pale. He trembled has Zhou Mi cradled him in his arms. He looked ill.
Zhou Mi felt more than heard the Grey agent approaching, but this time, now that he was with Kyuhyun, Zhou Mi felt calmer and was able to pull out his gun and aim it just about where he thought the agents head would be. All without looking up.
“I don’t like shooting people.” Zhou Mi said. He tried to keep his voice even but he didn’t think he managed. “But I will shoot you if you take one more step. I’m taking him out of here, don’t try to stop me.”
“Why?” The Grey agent asked. He sounded faintly amused. Zhou Mi turned to look at him then, his gun never wavering. The Grey agent had backed up a little, he had his hands raised up to where Zhou Mi could see them clearly, there was a soft smile playing around the edge of his lips.
The guy was good looking. People might have used the words cute and pretty to describe him, Zhou Mi would definitely have. He looked innocent. He looked like he wouldn’t even think about hurting a fly. The bruises Zhou Mi would be sporting tomorrow would be proof that looks can be deceiving. Grey just stood there calmly, like Zhou Mi wasn’t holding a gun on him, like Zhou Mi hadn’t just threatened to shoot him.
“Why what?” Zhou Mi huffed indignantly.
“Why are you helping him?” The Grey agent spoke slowly, like he was talking to a small child. “You’re a black agent, right? You aren’t playing for the same team as him, so why are you helping him?”
That was…a good question actually.
Zhou Mi knew that he wanted to help Kyuhyun, but he hadn’t stopped long enough to ask himself why he wanted to. A dozen answers sprang to mind, but the one that sprang hardest was…”I want into his pants.”
Zhou Mi wanted into those cheap, tight, white pants. Badly. He couldn’t actually say that though.
“I don’t know.” Zhou Mi said a little lamely. He was going to say ’just because’ but that would only make him sound like a twelve year old talking back to his mother.
The Grey agent was psychic or else he just saw right through the world’s most stupid answer.
“Ahhhh.” He sighed, and then he laughed. “I see.” Then he mumbled something that sounded like “Yeah, I kinda want in his pants too.” But Zhou Mi chose to ignore that.
Zhou Mi scowled at him. This guy was strange but then Zhou Mi shouldn’t have been surprised, it was his lot in life to be surrounded by weirdo’s and perverts.
“I’m Sungmin.” The Grey agent said. He bowed and stuck out his hand, obviously expecting Zhou Mi to take it.
“I’m not falling for that.” Zhou Mi said. He wasn’t that stupid.
The Grey agent--Sungmin-- shrugged and smiled jovially.
“It was worth a try.”
Kyuhyun groaned then. A low, pitiful sound. Zhou Mi lowered his gun, turned back to the younger agent. Sungmin moved to kneel at Kyuhyun’s other side.
“Oh Wow.” Sungmin said. There was a touch of casualness to Sungmin’s voice. Like he was curious about Kyuhyun’s condition rather than concerned. “They really did give him a lot.” Sungmin gently touched his hand to Kyuhyun’s fore head. “This isn’t good.”
“I have to get him out of here.”
Zhou Mi made to gather Kyuhyun up in his arms, aiming to lift him up and then swan out of there like the big damn hero that he was. Kyuhyun, of course, had to foil his plan like only a White agent could. Kyuhyun was heavy, heavier than he looked and Zhou Mi grunted and strained trying to lift him off the ground. Beside him, Sungmin laughed.
“Here, let me help.”
At first Zhou Mi was so surprised at the sudden turn of events, at the sudden assistance from the enemy, that he let go of Kyuhyun, allowing Sungmin to pick Kyuhyun up as if he weighed not much at all.
“What…what are you doing?” Zhou Mi asked, he was slightly incredulous.
“I’m helping.” Sungmin said as if that fact should have been obvious.
Sungmin was half way to carrying Kyuhyun to the door, he stopped, turned around. It looked like he tried to shrug but it was an awkward movement with Kyuhyun slung over his shoulder the way he was.
“I don’t know.” Sungmin said, echoing Zhou Mi’s earlier words.
Sungmin tried to shrug again and then he turned, heading for the door. Zhou Mi raised his gun again, cocked the hammer.
“Stop.” He said seriously. Sungmin stopped, he turned back around. “Put Kui Xian down now.”
Sungmin just blinked at him.
“I don’t trust you. I don’t have any reason to trust you. Put him down and back away.”
“Are you going to shoot me?”
Zhou Mi lowered his weapon a little and fired. The bullet pinged off the concrete floor in a shower of dust and sparks. Sungmin looked down at his feet, the bullet had missed his foot by and inch.
“These are my favourite shoes, you almost ruined them.”
“That’s my favourite Agent of White. Put him down.”
“Ok, ok.” Sungmin pouted. Oh god, he was almost cuter that Kibum when he pouted. “I was just trying to be helpful.” He dumped Kyuhyun non too gently on the floor.
“Why?” Zhou Mi was really curious now. If Sungmin was serious about helping them--and Zhou Mi highly doubted that--then it meant defection of his team and Zhou Mi wanted to know why.
“Have you met the rest of my team?” Sungmin asked.
“Not exactly.” Zhou Mi answered, and truthfully he hadn’t
“Watch out for the scary little one.” Kyuhyun mumbled, he tried to push himself up but he failed.
“Take it easy, Kui Xian.” Zhou Mi soothed. “It’ll be ok. What’s wrong with your team?” He asked, talking again to Sungmin.
“Ever get the feeling you have to do everything?”
“Yes.” Kyuhyun said, then he giggled. “All the time.” Kyuhyun groaned and curled in on himself. “Ohh, I don’t feel so good.”
Kyuhyun didn’t look so good either. If possible he’d gotten even paler, he was shaking so much he all but rattled and his very, very obvious erection wasn’t showing any signs of going down.
“Oh god.” Kyuhyun moaned. “Oh god, I need…” Kyuhyun reached out, Zhou Mi didn’t know what Kyuhyun was reaching out for but he leaned in anyway.
“What is it, Kui Xian? What do you need?”
Kyuhyun clutched at the lapel of Zhou Mi’s shirt, which his other hand he reached out for Zhou Mi’s arm, pulling him closer, pulling Zhou Mi’s hand down towards…
“Oh, Kui Xian, I think that’s a bit inappropriate right now.” Zhou Mi looked at Sungmin, almost beseechingly. “What did you give him?”
“Sodium Pentothal mixed with some uppers and an aphrodisiac. It’s Yesung’s own special formula. Usually it makes the subject all chatty and then really horny. Kyuhyun-sshi appears to be having a bad high…and is really horny.”
“How can I help him?”
“Well…” Sungmin said and he smiled a small little evil smile. “You need to…” He waggled his eyebrows, he looked down at Kyuhyun’s shivering form.
Zhou Mi gulped. He couldn’t. No here, not like this.
“I can’t.” Zhou Mi said, his voice shaking.
“Ok, then.” Sungmin said breezily. “I’ll do it.”
Zhou Mi hit him with the butt of his gun, Sungmin crumpled to the ground unconscious. Then Zhou Mi pulled Kyuhyun up from the ground, which was hard, hard work.
Kyuhyun leaned on him heavily, Zhou Mi staggered under his weight but he managed to get them to the door. Finding the exit was easier than he thought it would be, but it was still slow going. Kyuhyun was pressed close to him, he smelled like sex and Zhou Mi’s own body was reacting to Kyuhyun’s closeness, to the way Kyuhyun was lazily caressing his butt.
Zhou Mi carefully loaded Kyuhyun into the back seat of his car, then he looked back at Team Grey’s HQ. Kibum was still in there. In there with an axe wielding Canadian, an apparently scary little guy and a pissed off martial artist. Well, Zhou Mi assumed that Sungmin was going to be pissed off when he woke up again.
“Oh…” Zhou Mi wavered. Should he stay or should he go? “Oh, he’ll be fine.”
Zhou Mi quickly drove off, he had to get Kyuhyun somewhere safe.
.end chapter six