[KPOP RPS] Mutli chap: As the crow flies - Part eight {super junior}

Feb 20, 2011 19:28

Title: As the crow flies
Rating: R
Pairing: Kangin/Leeteuk [main], Heechul/Han Geng [main], Eunhyuk/Donghae. Eventual: Siwon/Sungmin, Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi, Yesung/Ryeowook.
Warnings: Angst, drama, sex, violence, character death
Word count: 43,199
Summary: Immortals, they fight for the right and the power to rule the earth. The gathering has started and group of mortals are in the wrong place at the wrong time, getting pulled into a bloody battle and becoming pawns in a sadistic game.
A/N: Loosely based on the Highlander TV series.

As the crow flies

Chapter Eight: And then he said “Don’t lose your head”…The punchline is all in the delivery

There is silence. A deep, resound, ugly silence. Kangin watches Jungsu fuss around, cleaning, sweeping, doing everything but keeping still. Eventually he runs out of things to do and resorts to just pacing the room. Kangin gets up, goes to Jungsu, puts his arms around him. Kangin needs this, needs to feel Jungsu’s warmth, needs to have him close. He buries his face in Jungsu’s shoulder, he doesn’t realize he’s crying until Jungsu reaches up to wipe away the tears.

“Do you think he might be at your old house?” Siwon asks and it’s clear that he wants Kangin to answer, but Kangin doesn’t want to.

It doesn’t fit with the note-the clue-that Kibum left, but it would fit with Kibum. The house that Kangin shared with Yoonji, his wife, and the place where Kibum murdered her. It would be fitting that Kibum take Heechul there to kill him. Kangin loved his wife, but Heechul and Siwon they are the only constants he has ever had, Heechul is like a brother to him, the only family he’s ever really known.

But still, something didn’t fit. There was more to this-a lot more-Kangin just can’t pin it down. He never could see clearly when it came to Kibum, but Heechul always did. Heechul could figure this out. Kangin wishes desperately that Heechul were here with them and safe rather than god only knew where.

“We have to go there.” Han Geng says and Kangin almost feels like laughing. “It’s the only real lead we have and we have to start somewhere and soon.”

Kangin knows this, he does but… “It’s been over a hundred years since I left there.” Kangin says and he holds onto Jungsu tighter, using Jungsu’s presence to anchor himself to the here and now, to not let himself fall into memories of the past. “It’s been a mortal life time, there will be other people living there now if the place is still standing at all.”

“It’s still there.” Siwon says. Kangin opens his mouth to ask how Siwon knows this but Siwon carries on talking, cutting him off. “And I very much doubt that Kibum will care about any other residents. It’s secluded, it’s the last place you would think of or even want to go unless you had to. It’s perfect for him.”

Thoughts bubble up inside Kangin’s head. Violent, bloody. He remembers the look of horror on Yoonji’s face, she’d seen her death coming. He thinks about Kibum, thinks about him dismembered and begging for Kangin to take his head. Kangin has to let go of Jungsu then, least his lover be tainted by the imagined destruction.

“Where is it?” Han Geng demands and when Kangin doesn’t answer he turns to Siwon. “Where is it?”

“It’s a ways from here.” Kangin sighs. “We’re going to need a car.”

“I have one.” Jungsu says quickly, like he’s glad that he can help in some way. Kangin thinks he helps just by being here. “It’s out back. It doesn’t get used much because some people won’t let me drive.” He looks pointedly around the room. Ryeowook shrinks back a little, Kyuhyun looks unrepentant. “But I don’t have the keys.” He looks around again. “Who had them last?”

“I got them!” Donghae says and he retreats to the back rooms, Kangin hears him stomp up the stairs. He returns minutes later with a ring of keys which he hands to Jungsu, Jungsu presses them into Kangin’s hand.

“Ok.” Kangin says. “Siwon and I will go, the rest of you…”

“I’m going too.” Han Geng says, interrupting him. Kangin tries to stare the kid down but Han Geng just looks back resolutely. Kangin nods slowly, resigned.

“Ok, Han Geng comes too.”

“And me.” Sungmin puts in.”

“No!” Both Kangin and Jungsu say in unison. Kangin looks at Siwon, he is supposed to be the kid’s teacher. He’s surprised-shocked-when Siwon doesn’t seem to object. For the first time Kangin notices how close the two are sitting, the way their bodies lean towards each other, the way Siwon lightly touches Sungmin’s wrist. It’s only been less than two days since Sungmin was sent to Siwon’s temple, Kangin thinks that Heechul might have been justified in his indignation at the two being left alone together.

“No.” Kangin says again. He’s looking at Sungmin but the declaration is really meant for Siwon.

“He’s my student.” Siwon says, he stands, stretches himself to his full height, which is kind of intimidating. “He comes.” Siwon’s voice holds an authority that Kangin resents but can’t argue with.

Kangin looks at Jungsu. Jungsu shakes his head, mouths ‘Please no.’ Jungsu is on the verge of tears again.

“We’ll take care of him.” Kangin says. “I’ll take care of him.” He leans in to kiss Jungsu on the forehead but Jungsu pulls away. Kangin feels his heart twist. He turns on Hyukjae. “You’re my student.” He says. “And you’re staying here.”

Hyukjae nods, looks relieved.

“Right.” Kangin continues. “We’ll get the rest of you on to Holy Ground.”

“That won’t help.” Siwon cuts in and there is such a sudden look of helplessness, no, hopelessness on his face that Kangin feels his heart break. Siwon looks like someone who has everything taken away from him. “Safety on Holy Ground is just an illusion, I know that now. The only thing that it keeps us safe from is having to play the Game. Kibum can’t come on to Holy Ground and take our heads in a fight, that doesn’t mean that he can’t kill us there, kill them.”

“Ok, why can’t you fight on Holy Ground?” Jungsu asks and the words come out in such a rush that it’s clear he’s been wanting to ask for a while.

“Destruction.” Siwon says.

“Total.” Kangin says.

“It’s only happened once, many thousands of years ago. So long ago that it’s more myth than anything. But that myth is more than that enough to put the…” Siwon chuckles darkly. “The fear of god into all of us.”

“What happened?”

Siwon shrugs. “That’s just it. We don’t know. We only know where it’s supposed to have happened.”

“Then where?”

“Atlantis.” Siwon, Kangin and Zhou Mi all say together. Jungsu starts to laugh a little, stops when he sees that all three Immortals are deadly serious.

Siwon shakes himself as if shaking off a bad memory. “The best thing.” He says, looking around the bar. “The best thing would be for you all to barricade yourselves in here. Block all the door and windows. You should be safe until we get back.”

Kangin turns to Zhou Mi. “You’ll take care of them?”

Zhou Mi nods, bows. “I will protect them with my life.” He says.

“Ok then.” Kangin says, he picks up his swords, swings it around. “Lets go get Heechul back.”

“You know this is likely to be a trap right?” Siwon says to Kangin as they file out of the door.

“Yeah.” Kangin says almost wearily. “Yeah I do.”


Heechul doesn’t know how long he has been here, been lying here like this. There is a window high up by the ceiling, it’s small, cracked, dirty, it lets little to no light in and Kibum turned out the cellar lights when he left. It’s like Heechul has no concept of time anymore, he’s just there waiting in the dark. But waiting for what he doesn’t know. It feels like he might have been lying on this table forever. He is sure that Kangin, that Siwon, that Zhou Mi will come for him, but as the blade sways and seems to inch its way closer he doesn’t think they will be in time.

There is a chip in the blade. Even though he can’t see it clearly anymore he knows it’s there. Knows it’s there from studying the blade earlier in the light. The blade is cracked and rusted but that doesn’t make it any less deadly, Heechul knows this and even if he can’t see it he can’t look away. It’s like his gaze is frozen, locked on to the swinging sharp edge. He wonders when the rope will give way, when the blade will fall, when death will come. He wonders, he wonders that since no other Immortal will be around to take in his essence what will become of him. There will be a body left behind, something for someone to bury if they feel like it. But what will happen to him? To that indefinable thing that is him, where will that go? Will he go to heaven? Could he become a ghost? That might be interesting, he would haunt the shit out of Kangin. Kangin would from this point on be forever cock blocked by an incredibly irritated spirit. Heechul smiles a little at the thought, the thought of Kangin’s eternal frustration. The rope creeks again and to Heechul’s vivid imagination it looks like the blade dips a little, dangerously. Heechul’s momentary smile dissipates.

He never actually thought it would end like this, but then he never really thought about it ever ending at all. The thing about living forever is that the longer you live the less you want to die.

The silence around him is deafening, the swish the blade makes as it gently swings is loud, the creaking of the rope holding it up is louder. Heechul thinks he hears the rope snap and finally, finally he is able to close his eyes. He screws his eyes shut, turns his head away. If he can’t see the death coming then it won’t really happen will it? He holds his breath, tenses every muscle. It’s instinct to curl up into a foetal position but he can’t move, can’t move at all. He waits, he thinks it will be quick, but the seconds tick by and nothing happens. It’s a Herculean effort but he manages to open his eyes. He sees the blade, sees it clearly now. It’s barely an inch from his face, he sees the rust, sees the cracks, sees the chip, but he doesn’t see what’s holding it up now.


Kangin built this house, it was built with hard work and love but as he looks at it now he feels nothing but regret. It’s a mix of traditional Korean design with a western slant, a missionary friend of Siwon’s, an American, helped design it back before the turn of the century, helped build it too, as did Siwon. As did Heechul. It sits in a large clearing near the outskirts of Seoul. Kangin remembers taking Yoonji here before the house was built.

Kangin stands at the edge of the clearing with Siwon by his side, he never thought they would both be like here again. Here like this.

“There is only one Immortal inside.” Siwon says and Kangin nods, he already knew that.

“Is it Heechul?” Han Geng asks. The boy is twitchy, restless.

“Yes, I think so.” Siwon says. Kangin knows that Siwon isn’t as good at sensing Immortals as Heechul, but he’s a lot better then Kangin. Still, Kangin knows it’s Heechul in there, knows it in his heart and his head. He wants to go in there and get him.

“Where is this Kibum?” Han Geng asks. The kid has a knife, it’s in a sheath hung at his waist. He pulls it out now, holds it out ready. Kangin has no doubt that Han Geng knows how to use it.

“I don’t know.” Kangin says and that worries him. He was hoping that Kibum would be here waiting for them, waiting for him. The fact that he’s not, the fact that he left Heechul alone, it scares him. He’s scared for Heechul, he’s scared of what Kibum might be doing right now.

“Ok,” Kangin says. He puts his own sword back in the sheath strapped to his back. He doesn’t think he will need it now that Kibum is absent. Kangin doubts there will be any mortal guards or any mortal presence at all. This is confirmed when finds the body inside the front door. It falls out of the house as Kangin slides open the door, like it’s been propped up there, waiting to welcome him. Kangin can’t tell if it’s male or female. Han Geng grimaces, looks a little green. Kangin doesn’t blame him. It’s a horrific sight.

They have split up. There are two entrances to the house, front and back. Siwon and Sungmin went round back, Kangin and Han Geng took the front. They search room to room, slowly, carefully, looking for Heechul and any surprises Kibum night have left behind. They find Heechul in the cellar, the last place they look. Kangin sees Heechul lying there on the table and he runs to him, without giving a thought to any traps that might be lurking. Kangin hears Han Geng following close at his heels.

Kangin sees the blade start to fall in awful, awful slow motion.


Kibum stands at the end of the road. From when he looks on he has a perfect view of the bar, Leeteuk’s, with it’s pretty little owner and its pretty little occupants. He knows there are two Immortals in there, he can just about hear them, they float on the periphery of his awareness. One baby, one ancient. Kibum wonders if they can sense his presence. Probably. The ancient one should be able to at least, not that it’s going to do him any good. Kibum thinks they are probably racing to batten down the hatches. Oh no, don’t let the crazy man get in.

Kibum is a little disappointed at the lightening sky. It looks like the clouds are clearing, it might be a nice evening. Bright, clear, warm. The Gathering is almost over and Kibum thinks he is going to miss it’s destructive energy.

But still, there is much fun to be had before this last Gathering night is out.

His sword is strapped to his side, he isn’t going to need it yet. He checks the number of bullets in his gun. He smiles and starts walking to the bar.


At first the blade just hangs there, it swings and it sways. It’s so close. Heechul’s heart feels like it’s trying to beat its way out of his chest. Heechul thinks this might be what a heart attack feels like. It feels like he stops breathing.

Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, the blade rises. Bit by bit, inch by inch as someone pulls on the snapped rope, pulls it up and away. Heechul lets out a deep shuddering breath, closes his eyes, starts thanking a deity he never used to believe in.

“Chullie-ah?” he hears someone call to him. A familiar voice, soft and kind and Heechul feels tears fall. He doesn’t know if he’s happy that someone actually came or scared that it’s all in his imagination.

“Chullie-ah?” The voice says again, firmer and more insistent but still soft, still kind.

Heechul opens his eyes. Sees Kangin standing over him, sees Han Geng holding on to the rope, holding up the blade. He sees the pretty pre-Immortal, he sees…

“Siwonnie.” Heechul says with a sigh. “I must be dreaming. Am I dead? I think I might be dead. Sorry about that.”

“You’re not dead, Chullie-ah.” He hears Kangin say gruffly. “Stop being such a drama queen.”

“You need to get him off that table quickly.” Han Geng says. His voice sounds strained. The blade is probably heavy. “I can’t hold this up much longer.”

Heechul feels someone start to fumble at the ties on his arms, his legs and suddenly he can move. Slowly. His muscles, his limbs are strained from staying still for so long. He feels gentle and careful hands help him sit up and then stand. His legs are shaking and he stumbles and falls. He feels Siwon’s arms close around him, hold him and he closes his eyes. He is not going to cry again, dammit.

“Chullie-ah?” Kangin says again and if he says it one more time Heechul think he just might punch him. “Where is Kibum?”

Heechul shakes his head, but then he realizes that they probably can’t see that gesture since his head is bent low and he can’t raise it, can’t look at any of them.

“I don’t know.” He mumbles, he shakes his head again, shakes off Siwon’s touch, tries to walk by himself but again he stumbles. This time it’s Han Geng who catches him. Instinctively Heechul tries to shake off his touch too but Han Geng holds on tight, doesn’t let him go. “I don’t know,” Heechul repeats. “He just left.”

“We have to get back.” Kangin says, he sounds almost desperate. “And quick.”

Heechul is half carried half dragged out of the cellar, out of the house. He hates being so weak but he just can’t get his legs to work, it still doesn’t feel real that he’s out here and not still on that table. He’s gently loaded into a car, Siwon on one side of him and Han Geng on the other. It’s a quiet journey, and long. Kangin drives like a maniac and Heechul is bounced around until he feels dizzy. He leans into Han Geng, Han Geng puts his arms around him and for a little while-at least-Heechul almost feels safe.


Kangin drives fast, as fast as he can but still he feels like it might not be fast enough. He feels like his heart is caught in a vice, it hurts, that pain is propelling him forward, to Jungsu. He hopes, prays, that it’s not too late.

As he pulls the car up to the bar he can see that the door of the bar isn’t just open, it’s missing.

“Oh god no.” Kangin whispers. He brings the car to a crunching stop in the middle of the street, doesn’t bother to park, doesn’t bother to turn off the engine. He stops the car, gets out, leaves the door open. He runs into the bar, the sight he is met with brings him up short. There is blood, so much blood. Kangin counts the people in the bar, counts the dead, counts the wounded. There are six people, one missing.

Zhou Mi is dead. Gut wound, point blank. His skin is pallid, his lips blue. Kyuhyun cradles him gently, holds him, is whispering ’Wake up wake up please wake up.’ Hyukjae is dead too, chest shot, also at close range, it’s a messy wound but it’s already starting to heal. Donghae is holding him, his knees tucked under him. Donghae looks scared, like a lost little boy. Ryeowook has been shot too, in the leg. He sits curled up in Jongwoon’s arms, he’s crying softly.

Jungsu isn’t there. Kangin resists the urge to tear through the bar, tear through the house looking for him. Kangin knows that he won’t find him, he won’t be there.

“Oh,” Kangin hears Sungmin gasp out. “Oh no!”

Sungmin pushes passed him, runs to Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun barely even looks up.

“What happened?” Kangin asks the room at large, no one answers.

The rest of the group comes in from the car, Siwon is the last. He has the car keys in his hand.

“Take Heechul upstairs.” Kangin orders Han Geng. “Third room on the right.” That’s Jungsu’s room. It has the most comfortable bed. Heechul will be able to sleep there, recover. Han Geng nods and pulls Heechul away.

Kangin feels Siwon place a hand on his shoulder.

“Kibum was here.” Siwon says and Kangin laughs, a dark and low sound. Kangin already knew that.

The wound in Ryeowook’s leg is only a flesh wound but still it’s deep. Siwon gets to work on cleaning and stitching. They can’t afford to take him to the hospital, there is no way of disguising that it’s a gun shot wound. Siwon is more than capable of taking care of it, though they have nothing to dull the boy’s pain save for whiskey and aspirin. It’s not until he’s sure that Ryeowook is being looked after that Jongwoon leaves his side and finally tells Kangin what happened. He is the only one of the group able to think clearly at this point.

He tells a short and simple tale, straight to the point. Kibum came, he broke in, broke through the barricade they had set up by the door. He had a gun. He shot Zhou Mi first and then Hyukjae. He wanted Jungsu to go with him, threatened to shoot the others unless Jungsu did what Kibum wanted. At first Jungsu refused so Kibum shot Ryeowook in the leg, said it would be the head next if Jungsu said no again. Jungsu left with him then, that was about half an hour ago. Jongwoon doesn’t know where they went.

“All he said.” Jongwoon says. “Was ‘Tell Youngwoon, let’s go back to the start.’”

Kangin curses, punches the wall, punches the table, punches the wall again. He starts to shake, feels suddenly cold.

“I know where he went.” Kangin says quietly. Siwon looks up from his ministrations.


Kangin shakes his head, he’s not going to tell him, tell any of them. This, this he has to do by himself.

“Look after them, Siwon.” Kangin says then he scoops up the car keys from where Siwon left them. On his way out of the door he stops at Donghae’s side, Donghae and Kyuhyun still sit on the floor carefully cradling the fallen Immortals. Kangin bends down, waits for Donghae to look at him. When he doesn’t Kangin gently takes hold of Donghae’s chin, makes him look up.

“He’ll be all right.” Kangin says and even though he doesn’t say it out loud, he is referring to Hyukjae and Jungsu. He is going to get Jungsu back. He is. “He’ll wake up soon. He’s a superhero, remember?”

Donghae nods, it’s an awkward gesture since Kangin still has hold of his chin. Kangin tries to smile but knows it looks false. Kangin leaves then.

“Kangin!” Siwon calls after him. “Youngwoon! Where are you going?”

…end chapter eight.

pairing: eunhyuk/donghae, fandom: super junior, category: kpop rps, pairing: han geng/heechul, length: multi chap, pairing: siwon/sungmin, rating: r, pairing: yesung/ryeowook, category: au, pairing: kyuhyun/zhou mi, series: (suju) immortal!verse, pairing: kangin/leeteuk

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