Jul 10, 2006 23:18
So the weekend was kind of eventful. At least the guys at work won't be bothering Emma so much anymore; since she has a boyfriend now. Nice timing Cameron, you finally decide to let go and attempt to move on from Ellie and what happens? Sully and Ellie are over. Although with those two who really knows how long things are going to stay over. Cannot believe Jess is sleeping with him. If she's sleeping with him. Gah. We decided to give it another go now that we're older and wiser.. I'm so over being lonely and I know she feels the same way. I've always cared about Emma so why shouldn't we really do this. I need to get over Ellie. I have to.
The housewarming party was uh.. interesting? Ellie and I had our first fight since being roomies just before the party started coz her and Spinner caught Emma and I about to have sex on the couch.. yeah smart move Cameron, Jay made pancakes, Sully&Ellie broke up again, Somebody smashed Sully's BMW (Liberty) and possibly the weirdest part of the night? Toby got drunk. Go figure.