Jul 04, 2004 02:48
Listen everybody... an unknown phenomenon happened today... my father buys lottery tickets every time that he can really afford to spring for a couple of them... last week he bought 20 but hes so used to losing that he dident check. i checked and the 1st one i checked we won 256,000 dollars. this is not a joke. i am moving to arizona in 2 weeks and i am coming to albany to say good bye... i will be very carless with my money so dont be afriad to ask for a couple 20's if ya need um.. rahk im going to buy your laptop for 5000 this weekend.. but ill make arrangments with you at the mall.. if anyone was wondering im getting 6000 just for this weekend... i have 100,000 but i am saving that. i just want everyone to know that they have been really good friends to me and i thank you for that. I am sorry for all the times that i have been a dick i really im. belive me you guys are all i got... i havent stoped crying since my dad said start packing... i'm going to miss you guys so much u have no clue.. anyway i spoke to cyberstation and they let me talk them into buying them new pads for the 5th machine.. its going to be roughley 1700 but hey i wanna go out with a bang so you guys will have some new pads to remember me by. i know and i am afriad that some people are going to take this as a joke. for anyone who knows somthing about this, ones that have had ,y journal name for a while, don't reply, i'm sure you understand that i CAN'T TAKE the sadness i will feel from the people that will really miss me. please no comments no ruining of...
WELL YOU KNOW.... my heart
i love you guys
"only with happiness can saddness occur"
dedicated to all the people that has been there for me...
thats all sadley and i will see you albany folk tomorrow.
Oct. 24th, 2003 @ 09:16 pm