Jan 05, 2009 13:40
Time for another update, lovies:
I am not going to London. While I'm a little sad about that, I'm going to the Hague instead. For those of you who don't know, the Hague is international law mecca. It's where they make alphabet soup: ICC (International Criminal Court), ICJ (International Court of Justice), ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia), etc. etc. etc. This is VERY exciting. After all the crap I went through to try to get permission to work in London (and not getting it, which is why I'm going to the Netherlands instead), this is a nice surprise.
However, I can't breathe. I was supposed to start work in London on 12 January. Which is ONE WEEK from today. BUT I am no longer going to London, but my father (and to a lesser extent, the people I'm working for) still expect me to be there on 12 January. As of 2:00 PM EST on 5 Jan, I do not have:
-a place to live
-a flight
-permission to work in the Netherlands
-another weekend before I leave
I am mega bummed that it's 99.9999999999% likely I'm not going to be able to go out with friends before I leave. But -- that's okay, right? This is an amazing opportunity and we can hang out when I get back?
I'm very excited, but I'm also nauseous and extremely anxious. Go go gadget whirlwind emotions! Wish me luck!