
Apr 30, 2007 20:03

Pensacola was SO MUCH freaking fun!!! I wish that I had more time left in the semester to hang out with all of those awesome people... really, it was such a great group. I'm going to miss some of them in particular-- Herndon is graduating :(, and Kelly is already gone... now I'll miss her even more. We had such a great time getting lost, playing on the beach, and eating at Bagelheads. Rob almost got hit in the face with fish that jumped out of the water, hahahaha. SO many good memories, but no time to play with all of the little inside jokes because it's the end of the semester. and now I'm sick and it's lame. blah. anyway, though... seriously, it was nice. I liked being away from people for a little bit, as always. It reminded me of why I LOVE road trips, and it also reminded me that it is always possible to stay out of drama... and in fact, you'll probably have a better time if you do. the drama that happened was all in the cargo vans, so those in the passenger van just let it slide. the beach was beautiful... oh man. clear water, lovely waves, and all sorts of sea life (including leaping fish and some birds that pooped on Kelly's shoe). I had some AMAZING crab at a restaurant there. ahh, good times. and we took an accidental driving tour of Pensacola while trying to find the place to check in. we ended up at this sketchy trailer park on Melody Lane, with some lady sitting on her porch giving us a weird look. actually, lots of weird looks were exchanged with locals during the trip. fantastic times!
now, I'm sick and it sucks, but school is almost over. I'm trying not to think about it too much b/c I may just break down and cry about the people graduating. this is the toughest part of the year-- too many conflicting emotions about people leaving and the year ending, and too much to do. too little time to say goodbye.
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