Sep 15, 2004 01:17
First and, arguably, most important, was Connor Buchannon. I only type out her own name in the event that, should she be vain enough to enter her name into a search engine, she will pull this page up and discover how much she meant to me. This is because we weren't friendly for about a decade, which is tragic and probably accounts for much of my adult inability to understand women, but partially because she set the standard for all women to come and, because of how amazing she really is, I've seldom found any prospects except in the most cosmically astounding of ladies.
Anyway, even as a 5 year old boy I knew there was something about this lady, but I could not properly express that, and ultimately, as young kids grew up, we split apart and most of our friends chose her over me. She was pretty cute, I don't blame them. Last I heard, she was with a guy by the name of Steve Fuller, who is really fucking awesome. He's one of the first people that I had no real emotional obligation to, but still told about Angel... one of the first people that helped me to realize that I love her like ink loves paper.
Despite destroying me, Connor also built me, and I thank her for that.
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