I am overwhelmed with pity.

Nov 03, 2004 13:19

Even though I'm fairly sure everyone knows I lean to the left, I have made an attempt to keep my lips tight about my political beliefs, using reason to keep political discussions tactful, and not swaying too far to one side or the other so that one side may feel like they are being bullied, because I truly believe that there are great liberals and great conservatives among my various friends, acquaintances and family members.

I'm tired of being tactful. Last night showed, very clearly, that the people of America have lost all sense of perspective. I pity the 53% of Americans who were so misguided as to believe George Bush will do good in his final four years, now that he does not have to worry about re-election or impeachment. All of his checks and balances have been voted out. The strongest liberal who can oppose him now, Barack Obama, was just elected into his first term as a senator last night. Bush is already moving forward with plans to drill for oil in a national wildlife reserve, draft troops and offer more tax cuts for the rich.

Conversely, I am filled with amazing, sorrowful pity for the 47% of Americans who have been fighting so hard to raise awareness that Bush is a terrible, terrible president, and now must live with the knowledge that they were let down by a man who refused to keep going before three pivotal states were even declared to have gone either way. Maybe he thought what he was doing was best for America, but that only more clearly shows how bad a choice he was. That's just terrible.

I had been planning to move to America in the next four years. If not this summer, after graduation. But not anymore. I don't even want to set foot there until that asshole is out of office. I'll even take another Republican president... Giuliani, for instance, would be a good leader. But Bush and his flat-out evil government (save for Colin powell) just has to go.

This is the sound of the world sorrowfully shaking its head at you, America.

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