Wow, it took a long time to convince myself to do this. Okay. This post exists for a couple of reasons: 1. Apparently I hit the 500+ watcher mile marker a little while ago? And that's super cool. You guys rock! 2. As a belated thank you for anything I've won/been nominated for over the course of this year. 3. Because it's almost December which is, coincidentally, that month wherein most of us celebrate some holiday or another. Most of which include presents. So I figured I'd do something to give back, and also a few people I'm watching have done this; it seemed like a snazzy idea. So I'm stealing it!! You'll never catch me; I'm the Gingerbread Man!
You can sign up for any day in December between the 1st and the 24th, and on that day I shall gift you with one or two icons from a list of interests you provide me. The more interests in your comment the better! It'll be easier for me to find something that inspires me to make a gift for you if you do. Unless your interest is Once Upon a Time because you can just put that and leave it as is. I will 100% make icons of that, no problem.
little form if you'd like it all neat and organized in your comment: what day do you want? put your interests right here: anything else you want/need me to know?