2012 | Sherlock, SPN, Pan Am, ENG, Dollhouse

Feb 09, 2012 12:30

22 icons

Important info about this set:
1. All the Pan Am icons were made during an iconning session where I was all 'LET'S USE CHANNEL MIXER ON ALL THE THINGS'. There's some, sort of, unique coloring going on in those as a result. I kind of like it, to be honest, but concrit is totally welcome if you think it doesn't work. (You should totally see the ones I scrapped in my 'die in a fire' folder though; they are hilarious!)

2. Everyone must love #18 because it is currently my favorite thing in the whole wide universe.

3. The ENG icons were made simply because I could; no pressure, no need to be super creative. They are pretty simple, basic icons, but I think they're lovely. Plus it was fun working with animation again!

4. I had such awkward stage fright about posting this. I have no idea why. I've been sitting here trying to convince myself to hit the 'post' button. We'll see what happens.

5. Oooh, I almost forgot! Everyone should go join elitesherlock right now! Yes, this is a place that exists. Yes, it is really awesome. Yes, some of the Sherlock icons were made for the first challenge there. Yes, the second challenge is 'blending', and you should enter ASAP. Go, go, go!






Coming up next: Tutorials (promise) | inspired20in20 set | battle results (Sarah, Val)

!2012, tv: pan am, tv: supernatural, tv: sherlock, graphics: icon, movie: disney

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