(no subject)

Nov 28, 2011 13:47

Icon Appreciation Month Awards + All the voting posts!

Okay, this time at IAM, we did Personality Awards on top of icon/technical awards. We thought this would be a fun idea, and an extra chance to showcase people who go that extra mile for the icon community whether it be through praising people, keeping the community alive with discussion, or just lending a helping hand when needed. These people are important. These people are why we are an icon community. I love these people.

And I hope I can say that I am one of these people. And I am supremely grateful to have received nominations and votes within the personality categories thus far. To anyone who has already ticked my name off in the voting ballot, thank you so incredibly much. You have no idea what it means to me to know that these little, silly things I devote my time to every day have impacted on people in, what I hope, is a positive way.

It is good to know that all the praise posts I've made this year at iconpraise have brightened someone's day. It is good to know that all the under-the-radar memes I've participated this year have brought a smile to an unappreciated maker's face. It is good to know that when I comment on all the entries for contests I participate in because I truly believe you are all amazing, that I'm boosting your confidence. It is good to know that when I stalk icon cross posting communities because I am an obsessive icon collector, and take the time to randomly comment with my favorites that I'm actually, for a moment, bringing someone the same little spark of joy I know I get when someone happens to comment on something I've made.

It is good to know that all the discussions I've been part of at icon_talk, running icons_concrit (among my many other concrit projects including turbo_rumble and oh every concrit meme ever at iconsecrets), and whatever the frack else I've done this year has made on impact on someone somewhere.

Judging by some of the nominees, I can tell that it is not simply the people who chat other influential makers up every day that are making this impact, it is the people who are truly out there enjoying and putting time, effort, and joy into the icon making world.

And I am not just saying all this because I want you to go vote for me, I am saying this because, though it is just a hobby, icon making it something that I truly enjoy and am invested in. I have made friends, been with people through drama and praise, learned so many interesting and new things, and had so, so much fun. This year especially.

These are things I've been wanting to say all year. Things I needed to say. And if you haven't already left this post rolling your eyes because of the saccharine taste in your mouth from all the sweet, THANK YOU. Each and every one of you for what has been one of the best years of iconning I've had since I started out six years ago.

And, please, take the time to have a look at those polls, at the wonderful people who have been nominated, and give them your vote if they've ever brought a smile to your face or been there for you when your confidence was failing. The personality polls, again, are here, and if you aren't too tired after that, check out the icon centric polls here.

And now I am done being ridiculous. Sorry about that. I have a lot of ~feelings~.

warning: ridiculous, flailing speech inside. Read at your own risk.
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