2011: Icon Post Six

Jul 31, 2011 11:56

I did promise an actual icon post didn't I? Haha. It's been forever and a day, hasn't it? I've been distracted by the Doctor Who Icon Battle and writing this tutorial, not that that is exciting. Anyway, this is pretty much just a round up of all my contest entries from various icontests that I will be linking below. (You should join them, jsyk.) Anyway, in a few instances there are strange stylistic variants because I was working with technical themes that required something different from me than normal. Yay for working outside of my usual box. Maybe. I don't know.

Photobucket tells me there are a total of 69 icons in this batch.
They are from the following fandoms:
Doctor Who, Xena, Supernatural, Legend of the Seeker, Glee, House, Mad Men, Buffy, and Spartacus: Blood and Sand





















Okay. So communities you should join:
elitetardis where the current challenge is your 'dream team'; it can be anyone. Mine was Eleven, Amy, and Rory though.
elite_medical where the current challenge is 'blue'.
trope_overdosed where the current challenge themes are: 'Creepy Child', 'Costumer', 'Enclosed Space', and 'Ghibli Hills', and here in a little bit I'm going to open up photoshop and make entries for those. Yes, I am. Woo!

And also eliteglee which, despite the name, now has open membership. Anyone can join! It is an effort to raise participation levels as they have been quite low for awhile now. Anyway, I'm going to try and do my best as a moderator. Hopefully it goes well!

Not a challenge community, but icons_concrit where, you know, you get concrit. I'm a mod along with tinebrella, mm3butterfly, and hsapiens. You get two concrit memes a month (one regular and one focused on a specific skill), workshops, and ask the maker posts. And whatever else we come up with because we're a crazy bunch more or less.

And, finally, my latest post at iconpraise is here. Also I encourage you to make praise posts of your own. THEY ARE SO MUCH FUN, YOU GUYS. OMG. LIKE CHRISTMAS. You know when you've got someone a cool gift and you are just waiting for them to open it and then they do and they are all 'awww, yeah. Score!' and you know you got just the right thing? THEY ARE LIKE THAT. YOU KNOW YOU LOVE THAT FEELING. Run on sentence and all. :D

Okay. I'll stop talking now. ♥ Enjoy!

tv: xena, tv: supernatural, graphics: icon, tv: house, tv: dr who, tv: spartacus, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, tv: legend of the seeker, tv: glee, tv: mad men

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