2011: Icon Post One

Jan 03, 2011 18:22

First of all:

Best of | My Thread

Second of all:
First post of 2011! I've made a few little things here and there since my last post, and I thought I'd put them up. Mostly from the Dr. Who Christmas episode, but a few random fandoms from here and there. You know.

31 icons
Community, Buffy, Legend of the Seeker, Supernatural, Xena, Glee, Dr. Who








#15 alternate (more yellow)

Third of all:
2011 Icon Resolutions:
1. Be more consistent (making icons like the Who ones in this post).
2. Color using textures more.
3. Make my own texture set.
4. Smaller, more cohesive posts.

And things to expect later this month:
Lea Michele 20in20 set + Glee Rumble entries from last month
Icon battle with raiindust
and hopefully disney2020 entries. ♥

tv: xena, tv: supernatural, graphics: icon, tv: dr who, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, tv: legend of the seeker, tv: glee, tv: community

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