Multi-Char Wrapup

Sep 05, 2005 16:37

Reflector sat in the Constructicon's repair bay, still partially glued together. He hasn't let go of his new gun, and he hopes that he'll get to keep it.

He waits patiently as the Constructicons work on reassembling Hook. The green robots are still rather dented and damaged, but they're mostly in good enough shape to do repairwork.

Elsewhere, he is composing his report of what he learned in the Autobot brig. He is not entirely sure where Rumble has gone, nor does he know if Ravage had remained in the Ark or not. He did catch a glimpse of the cat when he was being carried out of the brig, though.

He honestly wonders how Red Alert expected him too shoot the Autobot in the back when his weapon had been taken away.

The least damaged part of him flew along behind Megatron and wondered when he would be coming back to the Nemesis. Almost as soon as he had arrived, Megatron had ordered him to follow and the two of them headed off into the wild blue yonder. The tyrant hadn't explained why he seemed to be heading back to the Carribbean, and Reflector doubted that he ever would.

It was getting just a trifle bit annoying, though.
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