[The clock strikes midnight. And for most of the Adstringendum the music stays much the same.
By the time two in the morning rolls around, however, the city can add one more person to the list of very, very, very unhappy people.
Mostly due to the fact that
this keeps playing over and over and over again in the backround. Hearing Lady Gaga start singing the moment Hanna burst into his room? Not all that bad. Hearing strings and some random dude rapping for three days straight? Ignorable, although just barely.
But he was pretty sure he was gonna rip out what was left of his hair is he had to to listen to the words one. more. time.
Which is why this recording? Is on voice.]
If anyone, in the entire city, has a pair of ear plugs.... or ear muffs.... or a way to make yourself go deaf for a few days, I could really use some right now.
[And then the feed turns off. Because someone has to go stuff their head under a pillow and go Lalalala for the rest of the week.]