| The Sixteenth Aura • Accidental Video |

Jun 08, 2011 17:51

[What is up Adstringendum? Are you all having a fine Wedsnday? You're probably not, but that's not the point.

After an emtremely stressful start to his week - Sora being, well, Sora, Hanna getting hurt, Sephiroth being injured almost beyond repair and aggravating his own injuries from the zombie attacks, Riku was intent on relaxing. Or trying to, at the very least.

And how was he doing this, you might ask? By taking a swim in the river. Far away from the dangers of the giant squid. And this is where we find him. Or well, this is the scene that the PCD takes in when it clicks on, pointed outwards towards the calm surface of the river. It stays that way for serveral moments, until ripples begin to break through the surface of the water, slowly becomming bigger until finally something breaks through, shooting upwards before settling back down to tred water, shaking it from silver hair quickly, before pushing off and setting off towards the shore.

Once there's no more need to swim he moves more slowly, walking up towards the soil that lines the river, body slowly rising from the water. He's wearing an old pair of swim trunks he had found, but not much else, long lines of water trailing down over his body as he slicks his hair back.

Reaching the place where he had lain his PCD along with his other belongings he grabs a towel, wiping at his face for a moment before the little red blinking light catches his attentions. Congrats, Riku, all of Adstringendum just saw you shirtless and dripping wet.]

Stupid thing.

[And the feed clicks off, because really, this week could not get any worse.]

way to go riku, everyones seen you shirtless, it was time for fan service, what in the hell, i hate this place, no laughing hanna, !accidental video, at least there are no sheep, looks extremely good wet, the week from hell, this sucks

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