hey all! last round some people were having trouble and felt this game was difficult! i'm sorry about that. i'll be taking ambiguous and evil as correct answers for last round, and hopefully this round is easier!
Our TCG opened in October, so it's Halloween all year at Reflection!
Trick or Treat! It's so sweet!
Identify the character & series below based on an image!
Is the character below a hero or villain?
[*Note: if the character is ambiguous, say so! Sometimes characters will try to trick you! Anti-heroes fall under ambiguous for sake of ease.]
You have until Saturday, December 15th at 11:59 P.M. EST to answer.
This game is bi-weekly.
Previous Round: Ikari Gendou, from Evangelion - a villain!
Participation Prize: 2 Cards
Correct Series: 1 Card
Correct Character: 1 Card
Correct Affiliation: 2 Cards