Hm...The Complication that is a Thrice-Cursed CLAMP Man-turned-Vampire Magician...
Backtagging:Go for it. I don't mind, unless it's something that would seriously effect major CR -then I'd rather work out something more current for them to do.
Threadhopping: I love threadjacks. Do it. Please.
Fourthwalling: Please don't.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): I'm pretty tough to offend. If you intend to do a graphic description of child abuse, necrophilia or bestiality... please warn first. Otherwise, I probably don't care.
Hugging this character: If you must. He will, respectfully of course, disentangle himself quick enough - if you were even able to catch him to begin with. He's a fast lil bugger.
Kissing this character: Yeah, gotta catch him first. He might, given the character, redirect it to a kiss on the back of the hand, or in Kurogane's case, a kiss with a fist.
Flirting with this character: Go for it! It'll amuse him and (especially if he's working) he might even flirt back.
Fighting with this character:If you must. Fair warning - he's had well over a century's worth of of combat skills - hand-to-hand and magical. You'll be lucky if you can get him to take the fight seriously...
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Let's plot this first please?
Killing this character: Not likely, but open to possibilities with plotting.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Go for it! While it's not specified as one of his own powers, he's seen communicating this way underwater with a vampire and again across dimensions with Chii using telepathy. So far as I can tell, however, he's on the receptive end and not the initiating end. He can't read minds, but would have significant mental barriers against such an invasion.
Energy Sensing: Fai's powers are derived from the blue color of his eyes, however it's his magic that enables him to have a highly acute sense of perception. See Questions below.
Notes: He has had an eye stolen and um...eaten... so this is actually his abilities at half power. Man's strong enough to go through an intense magical battle with his former king, and start to send two people to another dimension while collapsing an entire planet. Now that his twin is truly gone and his King dead, there's nothing stopping him from using his magic once again.
Warnings: None, really.
1. Fai has the ability to sense other beings - not read their minds, but to sense their presences and gauge their raw strength and powers. So! Are you living or non-living? Are you magical? Are you a specific magical being such as a Dream-seer or the equivalent of a priest or priestess? How much CAN he sense about you?
2. How resistant are you to magical attacks? It's rare that he will actually use his magic, however when he does... he's the 4th most powerful Mage in his entire canon - even at half strength as he is.
3.Hardest question. If you are magical, are you canonically stronger than a man that can collapse and destroy an entire world with his magic? I made life easier by bringing him from a point in canon where his curse of having to kill any magician stronger than him was broken, however he will still be able to sense stronger beings.
4.And yup! He really is a vampire, but don't worry - he can only drink Kurogane's blood yay foodsource! so there's no need to ask permission to be able to steal any of yours~
Oh! And if there are any other abilities/concerns for awareness/interaction for your character, just let me know!
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