Two things, before I go to bed! A small charity request, and one rec.
My best friend,
sweetvalleyslut, has been in Romania for the last two-plus years, working as a Peace Corps volunteer. Since she's not active on LJ anymore, she asked me to share this
donation request: basically, her boyfriend (another volunteer) is trying to raise some money to establish a sports/performance amphitheater at the small school where he teaches. 50% of the funding has to come from outside sources. It's not a ton of money to raise, and it'd be great for the kids and the community there; if you guys were willing to donate and/or spread this around a bit, that'd be awesome. ♥
On an entirely unrelated note, I just finished reading
tuesdaysgone's Killjoys prequel,
The Kids From Yesterday, and it is fucking amazing. It's exactly the kind of long, plotty, absorbing story I've been dying to read since the "Art is the Weapon" trailer came out last fall; fascinating, creepy, and ultimately exhilarating. The world building and the characterization are both fantastic, and there's plenty of wrong/hot Gerard/Korse. And as if all that weren't enough, there are apparently two more stories to come. Seriously, go read, and check out the
accompanying artwork by the always-incredible
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my dreamwidth. If you like, you can comment there (using OpenID)!