get me to the door

Sep 01, 2010 10:13

I don't think I'm ever really talkative enough here to require "taking a hiatus," but ... I'm going to be extra-scarce for the next couple of months, probably. I'm trying to get my grad school application done by the end of October, including a 9-page comic about totally unfamiliar subjects - and I want to include the minicomic I've been working on in my portfolio, so I have to finish that too. I'm pretty much going to be holed up in my apartment scribbling and watching TNG for the next couple of months.

Meanwhile, the school I work for has decided to implement a new student information system, which keeps gleefully breaking registration and throwing everyone for a loop - so there goes the rest of my energy for awhile.

After all that's over with, I might even be able to draw fanart again! /o\ I miss it so much.

Oh, I think this should probably go without saying, but: it is never okay to crosspost anything related to this journal (your own comments included) to facebook or twitter. Not that I think any of you would, but I very much want to keep this journal away from my real name and any "public" persona I have or may have in the future.

[ETA:] Here's an informative post on the issue, and there are a couple solutions to the accidental crossposting problem over here. (Thanks to
oliviacirce for the links!)

This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth. If you like, you can comment there (using OpenID)!

what fresh fuckery, real life, journal

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