Say, artist-types, do you guys have any advice on portfolios (virtual or otherwise) for someone who's never been an art student?
The nontraditional cartooning program I plan to apply for is having an open house/portfolio review day in early March, and I'm trying to figure out what I should be showing them.
I think I'd like to have an online portfolio set up, for my application if not the review, so I figure it can't hurt to start thinking about this. I'm rotten at html, so I was thinking something simple and pre-constructed . . . I've found
a few options around, but I thought I'd see if anyone had suggestions/input.
I'm also not sure about number or types of pieces. The application requires eight pieces, which seems like a pretty low number to me? (Even if it isn't, maybe it would make sense to bring more to an informal review?) I figure that, since it's a cartooning program rather than more traditional fine arts, I should probably mostly bring comic work (with maybe a few pieces of illustration to supplement). I'm not sure how the minicomic I'm planning to finish over the next few months will factor into that, either.
Anyway, I'm rambling, but if any of you would share thoughts/experiences I'd appreciate it mightily. ♥ I am super excited about the event, and about finally getting to apply - I've been waiting for years! (Intentionally; I wanted to do some things first. But it was a little frustrating.)
So hey, how about that
au_bigbang thing? It looks a little intimidating to me, but potentially really awesome too. (I know a couple of you are signed up, right?)
Has anyone watched the new Being Human yet? I need to get on that. (I did catch up on Dollhouse. And heard the "big" Buffy comic spoilers. Oh, what the hell, Joss.)