I'm having a difficult time with my
yuletart assignment; I'm really pleased with the fandom, etc, but having brainstorming issues. I think I might make a locked post later asking for prompting . . . in fact, I might go back to using a filter for talking about the details of my various holiday exchange projects. Is there anyone who would want to be left off that? I don't know if anyone is actually invested in being surprised/unspoiled about their flisters' exchange contributions (personally, I'm sort of fond of sneak peeks), but just in case.
Speaking of my flist, there's nothing like internet drama to take your mind off the real thing. Ugh, I'm so sorry, guys. No matter how bitchy bandflesh could be sometimes, I'm deeply unimpressed that someone put in that much effort to prove that s/he could do (much) worse.
The first comic I drew in almost a year was inspired by bandflesh.