turning this B-side around to a de-light

Jul 15, 2008 10:39

I have lots of new friends, so . . . hi there! :) I'm Lilith. My journal is kind of a random place. I sometimes draw fanart; other times I squee. These days, it's mostly about bandom, or comics (I am kind of all about comics). Also, my subject lines are almost always lyrics from whatever I'm listening to (sometimes topical, often not).

Oh! And, this journal used to be called ave_eva. I did introduce myself that way at a couple of concerts, but IDK, I'm quiet enough that I doubt it caused much confusion.

My real name is Allie. There's no sense in trying to be ninja about it; a lot of my RL friends are in fandom, and refer to me that way. I do keep separate journals for fandom and RL stuff, although lately this journal gets a little of everything.

I live in the Boston area these days. I'm originally from Northampton, MA; a slightly pretentious but mostly adorable little community of ex-hippies, college students, and lesbian mommies. I'm an amateur cartoonist; I've had one tiny piece published in a small anthology, and if I get my act together, I'll hopefully be putting out some minicomics soon as well. (I am so damn slow with the arting.) For money, I work in academic administration at present . . . the less said about that the better.

As mentioned, I love comics. I read a little of everything (superheroes, Vertigo, Dark Horse, varying degrees of indie, self-published, occasional manga) and can talk about them forever. I try not to, though, for everyone else's sanity.

Before my best friend (sweetvalleyslut) went off to be awesome in the Peace Corps, I pretty much filtered my entire fannish experience through her. I miss her terribly, but I'm kind of excited to be more social.

I've been in bandom since early April, which was a shock to everyone, since I spent more than a year before that being . . . kind of a hater, actually. I can't say how silly I feel about that now. I am head-over-heels in love with My Chemical Romance and particularly Gerard Way (who I tend to idolize a bit). I also adore the Hushies (♥GRETA♥) and the Dresden Dolls, both of whom I fangirled previous to my fall into bandom. I love FOB, Panic, and Cobra, of course, though with slightly less fervor. And . . . at some point I mean to read up on the Used a bit more, and probably TAI, since I seem to be developing a thing for the Butcher. :DD:

For the most part, I don't write fanfic; when I do, it tends to be all kinds of faily. /o\ (I do participate in yuletide every year, but that's about it.) Instead, I draw fanart! Not as prolifically as I'd like, but I'm working on that. I've barely scratched the surface of my bandom inspiration thus far (I have a list, oh god). I should really be working on my original stuff, my comics . . . but hey, it's really good practice to be drawing real people out of photos, so what the hell.

In spite of being seriously bandom-focused these days, I'm pretty multifannish, and have never entirely given up on pretty much any of my old fandoms (almost ten years' worth) . . . they're all listed in my LJ profile. I always want more femslash, I love other fanartists to death, and yeah. That's about it. Sorry for the tl;dr!

I can be kind of long-winded, but I'm not the kind of person who makes a lot of random posts about things that happen in my day. Feel free to ignore my occasional contemplative rambles. There will be pretty (or at least silly) pictures sometimes, to make up for them! (If I ever talk about something that I'm planning to draw, though . . . expect it a few months down the road? Like I said, slow.)

I'm going to do a sticky post later, but for quick reference, my tiny handful of bandom-related fanart (thus far): Greta/Vicky-T, Avatar fusion crack (more Avatar than bandom), Vicky-T in a poncho (in reference to rained-on fangirls at MSG ♥), and Frank/Gerard doodles. (I'm currently working on a cracked-out comic strip, and possibly some equally cracked-out AU stuff. We'll see.)

fandom: bandom, journal

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